I grew up overshadowed by flat plains oak trees red roofs ceilings leaves of joy danger laughter someone anger silver-grey hair Where the mountains rolling hills bounties books letters photos trains , spoke wisdom of paintings of miracles of blood of the moon of wine of beer of the sun Scenes of wild horses thoughts manners wind mornings words kids cars running untamed away to the sky fast slowly fearlessly to the edge Oh how I wished it were me the bumble bee minutes a player a lady a gentleman a blade of grass a monster a green landscape a borrowed heart Got myself together and built a still shelter hut cottage skyscraper hotel cave heaven haven tomorrow dream present gift In good weather clothes shoes spells hotels parties discos seafronts barns days nights flights looking faces I worked the mill land sound silence deal saw hammer joker clouds But come the snow ogre boogieman grim reaper man woman giant fortune teller story teller the woods called hid hurt overwhelmed found sent bent played with surrounded me Down the long rows pews strands road path way journey wire breath day routine , how I wished I were free alone myself experienced with you excited careless assured protected Since Lucy my soul day night clock concern sleep a friend the money the cat the fear left me, got no place to go hide move see breathe withdraw jump clean play dive say hello be kind work decide No one waiting caring listening in the backseat listening to me worrying bothering looking , No one home found gone around speechless restless is good is bad misunderstood There's a whisper face phone world word room house slave playground back yard garden jingle lighthouse in the Montana breeze in the sunny field in the car park at the shop in a fairy-tale on the computer on a stony bridge up high down low downtown Grey clouds foreheads dark trees huge doors blue planets docks long pears mean peers build where the wind cries lays lies flies blows screams falls down slows down stops Sun in the morning skies butterflies strangers dew brew tickets wilderness lion tiger shade , starlight in rain vane insanity the clue chains spears Nothing matters, nothing makes sense no words are spoken no busses run my thoughts are empty I want no music I feel like sleeping nothing left to do nothing to say The brook is silent narrow dark humble tired dangerous gigantic frantic now the water runs no more to the sea wild like honey short long brave deep into a park into a cave And birds no longer fly say goodbye chirp cry paint dance watch , the sky is full of clouds dreams steam cries beams lenses rain joy sand storms The stars main road traffic lights rings diamond corridor flash shine for others when my night is dark long alone soulful musical like a shop humble flies sings A hole formed in my heart my mind flowers hands my senses the road a tree a cloud a window , but no damage was visible invisible meant to hurt mine yours done beamed seen clean sent bent looking for me Since Lucy my soul day night clock concern sleep a friend the money the cat the fear left me, got no place to go hide move see breathe withdraw jump clean play dive say hello be kind work decide No one waiting caring listening in the backseat listening to me worrying bothering looking , No one home found gone around speechless restless is good is bad misunderstood