Rudrapratap8065's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by rudrapratap8065  —  There are currently 5 poems total — keep up the great work!

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Throbbing intention


by Vaishnavi singh

added 2 years ago
Throbbing intention

Throbbing intention

Don't you get offended !
When i just blended that insolent persona, with some passionate aroma.
She was an insane soul who gave her everything but in exchange her fondness was in vain,
Worte many poems in evocation of you,...

by Vaishnavi singh

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Wickedness that made me boundless❤️

Wickedness that made me boundless❤️

Deep into thought
When i was lost in you,

We got stuck in that darkness where it wasn't easy to come Again i want to hear that mellifluous voice which forced me to melt inside,

I asked everyone what are...

by Vaishnavi singh

added 2 years ago
Adventurous War

Adventurous War
The peace was not at rest the soul was stolen from the chest,

  I was mesmerized with the incident and the incident was never found to be confident,

  The orthodox superstation never left my life because my paradoxical list...

by Vaishnavi singh

added 3 years ago
Frenetic soul

Frenetic soul
Thinking about the addition
Never thought this was a addiction,

  Everything thing was about to start

  Sadly never started,
Finding the way so realistic again his mind was sarcastic situation was not in my...

by Vaishnavi singh

added 3 years ago

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Who wrote the poem “Funeral Blues"?
A Pablo Neruda
B Amy Clampitt
C Victor Hugo
D W. H. Auden