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Sharla Lee Shults is an educator, writer/author, motivational/inspirational speaker. She has been selected as a TEDx speaker for the stage event October 11, 2024 in Billings, MT. Sharla resides in Panama City, FL with her Norwegian Forest Cat, Foxie, who travels with her on visits to the Carolina mountains.

  May 2022     4 months ago

Submitted Poems 6 total

The World of Extraordinary


Sometimes I am silent
Yet my still voice is heard
Sometimes I am swift
Like the flight of a bird

Sometimes you miss me
Other times my voice is clear
Sometimes you wonder
Am I far away or near?

Any place…

Sometimes I am...

by Sharla Lee Shults

added 4 months ago
Mud Pies

When I was a child
I used to eat dirt
One cup of water
Two cups Mother Earth

Cookies and candy
Weren't my demise
O' no! It was those
Ooey, gooey mud pies

Attire didn't matter
Play or Sunday clothes
Rain was my delight
Mud puddles I...

by Sharla Lee Shults

added 6 months ago
Love Life . . . Hug a Tree!

Picture this. . .

The tiny insect
The ladybug, the bee
Even smaller than these
The bugs inside a tree

Glowworm or firefly
Neither’s worm nor fly
Light up the night
For passersby

Spiders spin their webs
Eat household pests

by Sharla Lee Shults

added 10 months ago

Transparent tiny bubbles
Those lucent little pearls
Trickle and tickle the nose
Of giggling little girls

Soap bubbles, sparkling water
Sarsaparilla, root beer
Dispense tingling sensations
Any time of the year

A twist of the wrist

by Sharla Lee Shults

added 1 year ago
Ode to the Willow Tree

O’ thou lovely willow tree
Why is it you weep?
Is it the tiny raindrops
Dancing on each leaf?

Like encircling curtains
Pendulous branches fall
Cascading slender leaves
Extend outward, droop, sprawl

O’ thou drooping willow
Why do you so...

by Sharla Lee Shults

added 1 year ago

... and 1 more »

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Latest Comments: 2 total
Hi, Sharla. My name is also Sharla and I am a writer of poetry connecting human nature with Mother Nature. I enjoyed your reading and encourage you to continue with your writing. Your words will touch someone's heart and leave an indelible mark. Best wishes for much success on your writing journey. It has just begun! 

2 years ago

Hi, Sharla. My name is also Sharla and I write poetry connecting human nature to Mother Nature. Enjoyed your reading and encourage you to continue with your writing. Poetry adds beauty to this oftentimes stressful world. Best wishes for a truly successful future! 

2 years ago


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