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Submitted Poems 6 total
It Belongs to YerThe search is a pearse, a peat in my son, a peat, a disgusting. My excuse for my grandmother, lightning, healthy, healthy, with me's dress, come to a saint, wake me up, my hand, my brother, my brother, my brother, the secret belongs to Yer...... | 6 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
Bin Bani FazfenzMy sacrifice is the search of Bin Bani Fazfens, you will be the Memorial of my idol, Yummy, with me, the second, the me, the second, the me, the search of the... | 5 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
Khash of KhairiBend bend, I'm going to burn a lot of indignation, Yahya, this is going to be pleased with a love that pleases, he loves healthy, and the hustle and the hustle and the bustle of the hustle with the love of Khash of... | 9 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
The Healthy YahyaA healthy Christian is healthy, my good is good. In a line that calms out healthy, healthy, healthy, take the hustle and bustle of the yo. I love a healthy hustle and bustle, I love that limits my specialty to me. | 10 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
Yeni YahyaAnd the right one is right with the age of doing, Yeni Yahya indignation, the wrath of Bukhiri. Terry Yahya, my brother, he makes you winner Zainab Bani Tamis, my right-wing indignation my right hand is on me, he is taking care of... | 29 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
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