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I have written four poems in my entire life, excluding a love poem that I wrote to my ex-fiancee. My prized poem was my best poem I had ever written because my adoptive mother helped me with it. I wrote it for English class when I was in ninth grade. It was the best poem for the boys. I dedicated it to my adoptive mother who passed away on November 3, 2000.

  June 2023     1 year ago

Submitted Poems 4 total


Ever since I was born,
Death tried to take me.
I fought back at the age of three months old.
It had been trying to take me.
I kept my guard up against it.
It tried to take me at the ages of ten and eleven.
I fought it off again, but barely...

by Michael Phong Mitchell

added 1 year ago
In A Far, Far Away Galaxy

In a far, far away galaxy,
There lived a race called Deathions,
Who were on a planet called Deathion.
Their only living function was pain and suffering.
They thrived on torment and torture of others around them.
They lived in a world where...

by Michael Phong Mitchell

 1 View
added 1 year ago
One Day, The Earth Moved Again

One day, the earth moved again,
And the sun shone once more.

The farmer could till what was now
His usable field.
The ground was very productive.
He was driven from madness
To blissful gladness.

Two powerful men agreed to have peace.

by Michael Phong Mitchell

added 1 year ago
One Day, The Earth Stood Still

One day, the Earth stood still,
And the Sun stopped shining.

The farmer could not till
His unusable soil.
The field was very toxic.
He was driven from sadness
To utter madness.

Two powerful men pressed red buttons.
Quiet moaning missiles...

by Michael Phong Mitchell

added 1 year ago

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Who wrote the poem "A Dream Within A Dream"?
A Percy Bysshe Shelley
B Edgar Allan Poe
C Elizabeth Barrett Browning
D William Blake