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  December 2024     24 days ago

Submitted Poems 61 total

I Don't Sleep

I don't sleep, I don't rest
My mind is always on the quest
For thoughts and dreams that roam so deep
I am awake, while others sleep
As the night falls and darkness creeps
My eyes are wide, my mind still peeps
Through the curtains, moonlight...

by Stronghold

added 24 days ago
"Noon Hour"

"Noon Hour"
The sun hangs high in the sky,
Casting a warm, golden hue.
The world slows down, as if to sigh,
As noon hour passes through.
The streets are bustling with life,
As people rush to and fro.
But amidst the chaos and strife,

by Stronghold

added 24 days ago
Safely Inside Myself ( Part 2 )

Safely inside myself I retreat,
A world of thoughts and emotions to meet.
Here, in this quiet and tranquil space,
I find solace, a familiar embrace.
Surrounded by walls of my own creation,
Built with care and careful contemplation.
Each brick...

by Stronghold

 1 View
added 24 days ago
"Safely Inside Myself" ( Part 1 )

"Safely Inside Myself"
Within these walls of flesh and bone
A world exists that is my own
A sanctuary, a sacred space
Where I can escape from life's fast pace
Here, I am the ruler, the queen
In control of all that is seen
No judgement, no...

by Stronghold

added 24 days ago
I Am Mine Alone ( Part 2 )

I am mine alone, a solitary soul
No one to hold, no one to console
I walk the path of my own making
No strings attached, no hearts breaking
I am the master of my own fate
With no one to dictate, no one to berate
My choices are my own, my...

by Stronghold

added 24 days ago

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I wandered lonely as a _______ that floats on high o'er vales and hills
A bird
B cloud
C flower
D star