donka_k's Saved Poems

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Hushed under sky's mantle,
beasts, birds, golden stalks,
meadows and hills waiting,
ripe for harvest, Creation calls.

Blowing and sifting the wheat from the chaff,
forged in Truth's furnace, the sickle sways,
the weed burns, the wheat...

Donka Kristeva
The Exchange

In the waiting heart, God's voice,
like a sound of many waters
multitude of rainbows
shine, as pristine sparks...

Donka Kristeva
One Friday

Momentous hour!
Sun darkened, rocks split apart,
the Earth, as if in wrath, quaked,
 convulsed, stones-- fire...

Donka Kristeva

Soaring, majestic and bold,
with stunning precision,
eagles defy, challenge and call.
Symbols of freedom, masters in invisible reign,
they inspire and invite to a higher way.
They stay in the valley only awhile,
if injured, weak or unable to fly,...

Donka Kristeva
Drawn by Eternity

I call on Him, whose Name
outreaches time and space.
My cry is heard by Him,
whose Spirit heals and saves.
I eat Truth's bread
that nurtures and sustains,
I drink from Love's living streams,
pure as the mountain dew,
my feet are grounded on the...

Donka Kristeva
Dawn of a New Life

Precious moments-- love and peace,
blossom's sweet odor in the summer breeze,
In God's beauty we smile, rejoice
His wondrous offers in plentiful...

Donka Kristeva
Golden Age

We come to time of golden age,
no, no that of sixty or any other number,
but age when selfless love and kindness
start winning over pride and...

Donka Kristeva
Emotions Belong To Us

Yes, I understand,
or do I truly so--
the mysteries if inner man,
the depths of human soul?

For I am earthborn and, indeed,
my flesh is may of clay
my insight, tiny as a seed
dispersed the Milky...

Donka Kristeva

The shorter days of Fall,
the harvest reaped,
the walk upon the golden carpet
of falling and decaying leaves,
the half-bare darkened leaves
reminded me
that quietude and letting go
of wishes and unfruitful dreams
will gather and unfold-- in season...

Donka Kristeva

so, let Truth speak
to inner man,
infilling void with light of Mind.
Across the wilderness of carnal senses
roam greed, fear, wrath,
violence, confusion--
cruel killers of the...

Donka Kristeva
Like Birds

Poems, like birds, on divine wings they fly,
fragile, like birds, they sing,
and with darkness retire.
But the song that highest flies,
is the song I love the most--
soaring on wings of love,
sings the Christ, in pure light...

Donka Kristeva
Settled In Heaven

God's Word is all I desire,
His Word stirs, compels, even when I tire
quick and immediate, palpable, living,
it cuts, exposes, reveals, lifts thought...

Donka Kristeva
As In Heaven, So On Earth

I know the inner you,
serene, wholesome, grand,
the essence of the real man,
a place of glowing flame.

That flame is not extinguished
by loneliness or grief,
it shelters flickers on the way,

Donka Kristeva
The Lord Made It All

Mist lifts from below in pink and blue vapor,
winds whisper and blow,
clouds linger, then scatter.
As if dancing in practice, hues mingle and stall,
it's not the work of an artist,
the Lord made it...

Donka Kristeva
In a Dry Land

Where Truth and Love reside,
evil cannot hide,
the voice is louder,
the heart-- stronger,
and trust in God...

Donka Kristeva
Divine Compassion

And Jesus wept,
compassion welling from within his heart.
He faced the tomb, his love enfolding
the sisters, Lazarus, the...

Donka Kristeva
Healing Streams

Winter's gone,
the bitter cold that turned tree and shrub into a stone,
retrieves its breath without revenge,
its grip no more on...

Donka Kristeva

No condemnation,
no fear, nor shame,
when Spirit arises,
love takes the...

Donka Kristeva
Quiet Waters

Away from mundane,
thought stilled, awaiting,
on quiet waters to...

Donka Kristeva

Along the roads, wide or less travelled,
the wheel of motion falters not.
It's not a wheel of destiny or fate--
Infinity holds not such notion.
Eternal being-- now-- is real and sublime,
and when the Spirit's radiance illumines mind,
ear tunes to...

Donka Kristeva
The Great Physician

"Come, fatherless child,
take refuge and pause,
let your wanderings
find refuge in Love's arms.

"Come, woman abandoned,
dig deeper inside,
lay anger, pain, sadness
at the cross-- where I...

Donka Kristeva
Christmas, Anew

Woman and child,
in cave--oxen, sheep, hay,
angels' chorus, celestial light,
Heaven meets earth this...

Donka Kristeva
Miracle of Grace

Young woman in labour,
empty streets, no room in inns,
yonder-- cave, oxen and hay,
 as if silently waiting, mother and...

Donka Kristeva
First Christmas

Lone star -- in darkness shone,
shepherds watched,
in heaven's glory, angels praised,
in earthly gloom-- a Saviour ...

Donka Kristeva
A Night of Long Ago

Not in a noisy inn, but in a quiet stable
was a Baby born,
not in a royal court but in stillness of thought
is truth welcomed...

Donka Kristeva
Love's Direction

On the wings of prayer
will I dare to see
the vision and purpose
divinely given to...

Donka Kristevan - 3

Trust and Love are like
birds singing above,
their voices, tiny yet strong,
their flight, upward and bold,
united and free,
they soar above mountain and...

Donka Kristeva
Christmas Light

The Shepherds' adoration,
the Magi's vision,
one star traversing night,
angelic host announce
the birth of Royal Babe,
in peace and meekness...

Donka Kristeva
Morning Star

Son of Man, Lamb of God,
Redeemer, Lover of my soul,
Prince of peace is...

Donka Kristeva
New Move

Trust in life and truth
lead to a faithful God.
Children of the living Word,
feel the wave of Spirit--
sweeping through the layers
of complacency,...

Donka Kristeva
The Less Travelled

Stillness, awareness,
far from the bustling crowd,
whispers divine...

Donka Kristeva

Sweet odor fills the air,
where daffodils and pine
enhance the morning air
and larks soar in the...

Donka Kristeva
Not As I will

A drop in the ocean,
a light beam of the sun,
self-centered thought counts not,
but Christ's mind is One.

He spoke hard words,
exposing evil, dethroning self,
he was a stranger among his own,
misjudged, condemned, yet
loved he to the...

Donka Kristeva

Blame game, easy play,
finding faults, calling the shots,
Who's looking...

Donka Kristeva
In Reality

I feel I know a part of you,
part serene, wholesome, grand,
the essence of the real man,
a face of glowing flame.

That flame is not extinguished
by loneliness or strife,
it shelters small flickers on the way,

Donka Kristeva - 1

I love God's path of freedom,
with grace and patience
nudging gently and compelling,
He empowers and inspires
dormant soul to be awakened, bold.
When, in loneliness, I bend,
crushed as if with thoughts of selfish end,
He stands by me again in...

Donka Kristeva
Indian Summer

Fallen leaves, crimson and brown,
whistle and whisper delicate whims,
high tree with expansive crown
spreads barren and dark...

Donka Kristeva
Is There Another Way?

They stumble and fall,
why not step on the Rock--
to elevate body and soul?

They thirst for possessions,
why not drink from the Source
that unceasingly flows?

Offended by urgent demand--
why not give a helping...

Donka Kristeva
Isaiah 53:1

"Who has believed our report?"
Who is listening to the voice of truth-
restoring substance, creating anew,
raising dead hope from the shadowy tomb?
Who has awakened to His presence and might,
to I AM who's near, within and...

Donka Kristeva
Divine Path

In timid steps man walks,
Unfettered thought strives forth,
clear vision catches far-off fire,
hope mounts on eagle's wings
and captures gleams of...

Donka Kristeva
Questions and Answers

Can the tree ask the wind,
"why do you blow my leaves away"?
Can the clay ask the potter,
"why do you make me this way"?
Can matter ask Spirit,
"why do people...

Donka Kristevan - 3

Against storm, gale, frost,
like goats on stone-tumbling cliff,
prayer climbs, holds,...

Donka Kristeva

Love is patient, kind,
heart-- a lonely hunter--
knows not when She comes.
Clothed in comfort, might,
in a whisper, heaven heard,
She illumines sight.
Then does man perceive and follow
vision-- far above earthbound gains--
Whole and safe in Love's...

Donka Kristeva
New Day

Still, velvet morning,
purple dawn, blue silhouettes,
flutter wings, rustle leaves,
night spell is...

Donka Kristeva
Elijah's Vision

He flew from the Queen,
for Jezebel was after him,
surrendering life and soul,
Elijah came to the mountain of God.

He doubted his call
for faithful prophets were all slain,
he - the only one...

Donka Kristeva
Quiet Waters

Away from the mundane,
thought stilled, awaiting,
on quiet waters to...

Donka Kristevan - 3
Eternal Laws

Recognize spiritual power,
think Truth,
live Life.
The law of Life
redeems and heals,
the law of Truth
sustain and...

Donka Kristeva

One God and Spirit,
One and alone,
Cause and Creator,
the Father of all.

Three-- sun, moon and stars
three lights in heavens,
Life, Truth and Love-
 threefold nature,
the essence of...

Donka Kristeva
The Wounded Seeker

Man wished he could know
who can ever love him so,
that his mind be put at ease,
that turmoil be set at ease.

He wished he could hear
sound of music in his ear,
lover's head to be laid on his breast,
father's care to invite him to...

Donka Kristeva
Love Alone

Love alone can penetrate
the wall of condemnation,
built by self, without foundation.
Be alert, stumble not,
in shadowy paths,
but look up and feel
Spirit's breeze, Love's caress,
She comforts her own
and gives freedom to the waiting...

Donka Kristeva - 2
Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd,
He keeps me secure and safe.
His waters,
infilling void and sorrow
 with Spirit and Life,
renewing the now and the...

Donka Kristeva
He Is Not Here

He spoke hard words, and many left him,
Demanding truth and love,
he whipped hypocrisy with firm resolve.
They thought they silenced him,
and left without remorse the shameful ...

Donka Kristeva
Harvest Time

Blowing and sifting the wheat from the chaff,
forged in Truth's furnace, a sickle sways,
the weed burns, the seed remains.

Fields are awaiting, the labourers rise
from sunset to First Moon,
the grain of ingathering,
harvest time ends...

Donka Kristeva
Love's Blessing Found

Will power is human
self seeking it craves,
the dreams of tomorrow
it weaves and engraves.

And pride is reluctant
to give up its way,
as ego emerges
from hiding at...

Donka Kristeva

Far from mortal sight,
out of the agony of heart,
bloom petals of...

Donka Kristeva - 2

Living bread and vine,
Christ, the Lion and the Lamb,
Servant, Son of...

Donka Kristeva
In His Image

He plunged beneath the surface,
His perfect sight revealed
what human veil concealed.
He spoke commanding
the blind to see, the lame to walk,
the spiritually deaf to hear.
And, I who rejected once his power,
received it in my needy...

Donka Kristeva
Good Friday

"For this reason have I come",
born to die-- prophecy's cry!
Silent before Roman and Jew,
beaten, accused, spat upon,
drank it all. the bitter cup.
Darkness overtook day's light,
soldiers mocked, crowd dismayed,
women wept, disciples fled....

Donka Kristeva - 2
On The Sands Of Time

Silver light upon my path,
sudden breeze in velvet night,
cobwebs of confusion swayed,
thoughts that lingered in the...

Donka Kristeva

Rhythmic, motion, flight,
ocean, hunting hawk, low tide,
silver rays at...

Donka Kristeva
The Less Trodden

Stillness, awareness,
far from the maddening crowd,
whispers divine...

Donka Kristeva

Vision, clarity, direction,
gratitude, receptive heart,
Life gently weaves a web of wholeness,
and what the locusts have devoured,
now with courage gained in Christ,
from ruined harvests I...

Donka Kristeva

No more does darkness creep,
reigns not gloom in heart,
but light and heaven's glory
illuminate my path.

In Spring the buds await
the sun's first golden glow,
may we at Easter celebrate
resurrection, new-born...

Donka Kristeva
The Word

Quick and immediate is the Word of God,
indivisible, One,
It builds, creates and protects,
It crushes sickness and...

Donka Kristeva
I am

I am the breeze that gently blows
to swell the sails of your boat.
I am the wind that rises at dawn
to guide birds' flight o'er land and shore.
I am the hill whereon you climb
to safely reach your home.
I am the wave in constant flow,
in high tide...

Donka Kristeva
Whom Are You Seeking?

The day has come,
day to witness with the rising sun--
divine purposes fulfilled.
May the heart be still,
it knows that steadfast
 is the Spirit that upholds and heals.
My weariness and earth-born will
stumble, fall,
then melt before the stone

Donka Kristeva

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Who wrote "I have taken the bones you hardened and built daughters"?
A Robert Hayden
B Sylvia Plath
C Maya Angelou
D Lucille Clifton