BradyB999's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by BradyB999  —  There are currently 51 poems total — keep up the great work!

Out Of Sight, Evermind

My face doesn’t turn that way these days
that isn’t where the sun is
I know it’s there
glistening black iridescent oilslicked scarab
eyeless, its gaze settles on my shivered skin
Atom-thick bitter oil
to look now is not a comfort

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
First Street

Tonight I bring a Valkyrie
the spearess resplendent;
tonight her wings are bound
earthbound beside the walking night
like spirits in negative; polarized
may her goodness cover me
like Sacramental blood
Because blood is what we come to...

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
Only Two

When she breathed her champagne spirit into my mouth
her little hands made my head her prisoner
imperfect hands
and yet I have known none more welcome
none more capable of cooly soothing
or tracing fire on what was soothed
of healing hurts...

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
Viet Everywhere

A man paces outside my bedroom door
not a plodding stomping ambulation
oh no
these are the softly lowered footsteps of
the cat you see, he hunts a version of himself that vanished while he wiped an eyebrow off of his face less than two...

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
Ungrateful Species

I were a fish
explorer of darkened cobalt vaults
a ghostly gliding hiss my song
my thoughts would be liquidity
like cyan electricity
and swim, I would

If I were a bird
a zephyr-riding acrobatic singer
but one in nature’s symphony

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
A Feathered Moment, Concluded

When I tied the feathers in her hair
iridescent hues among shining flax
her eyes brimming with loving looks
small feet tapped an anticipatory beat
blackbird, bluejay, cardinal, finch

the ascendancy of spirit inside
she sang a hymn...

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago

On the hiking trail of the night lands
I don't sleep so I walk these dark streets
gait long eyes droop I'm swinging my hands
there is no respite between my sheets

Three calendar flips flash by quickly
I'm starting to see tricksy lights...

by Brady Bowen

added 1 year ago
Room 2992

Shatters, splinters, redrum shreds
thoughts and prayers reassemble heads?
smashes, bursts and blows apart
we send them here for a head start?
run, flee, create a desk-fort
at the first sound of the rifle's report

If the lack of mental...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Damnable Moderation

I'll just sit right here
in this sleepy three pm noonblaze
this is the searing crucible of July
when steam rises from rainwashed streets
barometric haghands around your neck
squeezing the breath from the me.

I want that nursery rhyme...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

the dawn broke
her breath sighed whispered lullabies
becalmed face touched by argent moonsight
as the silver lady smiled through glass

no cares draw emotional fault lines
on the landscape of her loving face
no worry-wind to muss...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
A Bright Pyre Of Humanities

I lit myself afire today
to burn off all the dross
around my pyre I danced and played
and never felt the loss

The first flare of orange flower
was false pride taking flame
this thing that choked off my power
and caused me to lay blame

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Feathered Fancy

Let’s fly now
let’s take wing
over air
and low things

Tarry not
let’s away
quickly now
breathe sun’s rays

Feel the wind
bracing cold
Up up up
ere we’re old

Knifing through
cotton white
other worlds

Hand in...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Night Homage

If you should walk into my dream
please don’t you slam the door
feel welcomed in that airy place
and look at what’s in store

I’ve risen from my sadness crypt
revenant in reverse
the veil of parting has been ripped
I hold the universe

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

The Rain

This pelting spirit rain beats upon me
like the leaden bullets of longing
not in simple free-fall, but launched hellward
belched like silent thunder from black iron
exquisitely targeted; a cruciform crosshairs
fixed on the...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

winds rush by in March
it’s the busy season of breezes
a long list of doing-things; thankless
here arrives the lumbering, horse-drawn
cartwind carrying pioneers of precipitation
from the western spacious skies
delivering the deluge...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago


the borders of the heart
trenches dug about it
filled with spirit-soldiers all in black
rifles discarded in favor of the knife
the light skirmishes of beginnings are
horizon-ranged pinpoint target shots
but heartwars are...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Fais Do-Do

It happens monthly in Bouligny Square
against the Teche we celebrate life
only joy no thoughts of striving there
jitterbugging fathers twirl each wife

the elders sit and smile in their folding chairs
recalling when they were hale and spry

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Upon the blackwater lies a blanket
purple flash as far as the eye can see
bright star-robes of the Atchafalaya
there is no lady half as wild as she.

I’ve found sinking houses in her dark deep
falling from the tall pylons to their rest

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Dark Watervaulted

hold the sagewise knowledge
of the slumber-soaked lands of New Acadie
lifeblood of mud and darkwater
lazily smiling bank vaults of the organic
bellyful of secrets and throwaway dreams.

here lies the bicycle of Glenn, a Pont...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

awake in the wreckage of the day
smoking ruins rubble-spread in the streets of my heart
exhausted with my running for cover
weeping for the blood spilled
the word-weapons fired at the soul
the nuclear misspeaks making mushrooms

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Current Carnival

The Current Carnival
Politicians are the midway carnival barkers of this age
Sorry, carnies, no insult meant to you
Step right up and claim the adrenalined fist-raising
Now, here’s da rules, they intone like bowtied boxing referees
But these...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Secret Seraph

As I beheld a seraph
alighting on the spire
of the bell tower I tend
my thoughts flew even higher

her wings were like white blazing snow
under a whitewash winter sun
her hair like polished platinum
her grandeur seen by only one


by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
In The Court Of Solace

Let’s go see the Solace King
who sits in royal splendor
let’s steal into his regal court
and meet that master-mender

To his right stands a visage fair
wrapped in her golden fleece
her eyes placid as warm spring rains
our august...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
In The Court of Solace

Let’s go see the Solace King
who sits in royal splendor
let’s steal into his regal court
and meet that master-mender

To his right stands a visage fair
wrapped in her golden fleece
her eyes placid as warm spring rains
our august...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
A Soul Cart Creaks

As possibilities crumble to ash
around the caster-feet I bolted to my heart
these little wheels, canted, noisy, wind-wobbly.

Neutronic heaviness forced this modification-this ambulatory abomination that is dragged behind me by a chain wrapped...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
A Soul Cart Creaks

As possibilities crumble to ash
around the caster-feet I bolted to my heart
these little wheels, canted, noisy, wind-wobbly.

Neutronic heaviness forced this modification-this ambulatory abomination that is dragged behind me by a chain wrapped...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Childlike Metro

city’s windows sigh as they lay down their labor of carrying the loads of light
into the brown buildings; inky nightstain
creeps up the walls inexorably; concealing
the cracks and broken bricks so aged

I wander up and down the lanes

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Ways Of Wind

I wonder when they’ll stop
those weeping-wind chimes
the neighbor brought from the flea market
that market must have been stocked by
the shambling corpses of the damned

The wind shouldn’t weep, my child
or be redolent with sweet decay

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Winter’s End

is bursting all around; resplendent
as the axeblade-shock northwind gives way
for the occupation of the land by life anew
if northwind caws then warmwinds coo
and jasmine starts its ascent to sun again

young ones race up and down...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Desire is the grinning leer of the teethbared wolf in the firelit fear-festival that is the lone explorer when the first howls rise moonward like clouds of lamentation. That’s what desire is.

Loyalty is a quiet pachydermed jungle clearing as the...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Once as I walked under the trees
my spirit forced me to my knees
and force-fed my regrets to me
and my tears did fall constantly
I recalled many violent days
even the sun withheld her rays
and frigid waste my soul became
and easily...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Dodson Dragons

and blue and green and yellow
are the raincoats of the little ones
sunbright are those rainbow-boots
stomp stamp jump those puddle killers

sweaty faces producing gales
of the cotton-candied laughter of youth
Acadiana-hot it is

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Tall Grass Murder

will stalk you as a lion
whether you be urchin or scion
slow motioned aged savagery
to shred your carnal menagerie
of sinews, muscles, wrinkled brain
as you scream your mortal refrain

what will your wordless scream then tell

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Upon my rising from my night-lay
my inside weatherman said to stay
in my cloistered one man town
and not to outside walk around
but why? I queried with confusion
because you risk inside ablution
you’ll wash all of your pain away
and you...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

You come to me and doors within
fly open, their sharp reports a song
of heated welcome for your sojourn here

here within me, where your giggle sounds
like tiny bells forged by pixie hammers
tantalizing, enlivening and youth-bringing


by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
What I Want

I want to know
the fire of new love
volcanically, all molten passion
that cools into solid devotion
and a decadence of lust

I want to feel
a wellspring of devotion
not a verdant font
but simple, like when you hold
your thumb over the...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

hirty-six steps this corridor
in this darkened quiet mausoleum of medicine
midnight, disinfected ignominy of waiting in expectancy
I feel like I am awaiting a storm in cosmic negative;
soon, the sunstorm-cloud will drop a deluge of syrup light

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Criss-Crossed cracked immortality will transmute
mortal pain into victorious gold
not the gold that men scrape for
or the gold that hangs from the ears of ancient dowager queens

This is the gold of legacy, uncooling
shining red as...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
All A-Jangling

Let’s run through the sprinklers with
yellow sunshine bathing us
And thus acquaint our kinderselves
with our aged selves

We’ll hold the tethers
to our splashes of color
Aerodynamic wings of happy-paper
while breezes of fair promise


by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Viva Le Revolutión

Red and rent is the sky this evening
hellish gloaming churned by blades-beating
the frantic air in search of those who won’t.

They huddle under bridge like insect-folk
sharing the warmth of revolution freely
with others who simply will not....

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Occupational Hazards

call for marks to play unwinnable
non-games just like hellish croupiers
that’s what love is; place your bets

doctors stare steadily at your falling beats
practicing the crushing of love fools
someone tell the family it’s gone


by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Kitchen Raid

bread and buttermelt and ribbon cane
blacksweet running down my hand as
we run from grandma’s kitchen laughing
on the inside for we are commandos of
the Acadiana summer but supposed to stay
outside do I own the power...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Lighthouse Lament

thunderous silence shakes the house
of my heart until stony dust rains
down onto the heads of my cowering selves

this dark lightning flashes black in the eyes
making darkspots swim in the vision
of the multitude of me

her face...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Bird Queen

The gentle touch of fingertips
On the outside of my arm
As the sun crawls over the windowsill
Plasmatic molasses
Lighting our togetherness
In the chilled predawn of possibility
That lovers waste on pleasures

Her whispers invade,...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Bird Queen

The gentle touch of fingertips
On the outside of my arm
As the sun crawls over the windowsill
Plasmatic molasses
Lighting our togetherness
In the chilled predawn of possibility
That lovers waste on pleasures

Her whispers invade,...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

Trembling blades of grass are whispering
concentric rings glide in their dance on
the jewelbright surface of kompot glasses
as partygoers sprint the compass home.

The red curtained house sits empty, forlorn
but for the basement huddlespace

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Mirrored Red

Rebirth isn’t a breeze-caress
but a ripping, bloody labor of self-love
that grinds the bones of your departed self
into dust easily mixed
with the blood of yesterday.

My golden muse departs for another
more worthy of the love-gift

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
I am Legion

There is darkness in me slithering
coiling into circly-shapes and shining
inky black and sapphires glinting
like the oiled mechanisms of war machines
eager and resplendent with chromed fangs that drip the venom of dissolution.

Among my...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Of Doves

From where do you ride, battle-born?
Shield riven, sword snapped into shards
armor gouged in violence unending
It is the heart-blood that steams upon you.

My captain, I ride fresh from war with myself
when upon waking I saw the...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
The Well Woman

I chanced upon a woman at
the well beneath the ziggurat
as she drew forth the liquid life
she told a tale of loving strife

Between two kindred souls it seemed
both too stubborn to be weaned
from the breast of stubborn anger, rage

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago
Them Bones

Have you seen my bone collection
carefully laid out in five sections?
silently serving as reminders
not all my work I’m just their finder

The first one is a pile of hand sticks
from when I used to get my kicks
caressing her face deep in...

by Brady Bowen

added 2 years ago

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Who wrote the poem "The Waste Land"?
A W.H. Auden
B T.S. Eliot
C Ezra Pound
D Sylvia Plath