Analysis of house of god, we.

like being on an elevator that is present on all floors at all times:
the stories representing dimensions.
the tenth, at the top, where we are most complete,
an accordion set.
each piece functioning in an incomplete state
until each becomes all: at the top
where the universe is threaded upon itself.
an origami multifold,
reality pressed against the fabric of something resembling [but not at all related to] time.
products of irrational numbers remain immeasurable until
we are capable of merging the modules,
when we 3D beings become aware that
we are unaware. incomplete.
blind, we waver unnervingly close to the precipice of
(having the slightest conception of what is real)
an inkling of truth.
when we finally see separation as an extension of connection, not as a division of person or place;
seeking light in the negative spaces, between the darkest of matter. lonely:
because we know we are living a life in the reflection
of a warped one-way looking glass,
the rabbit's tale obscured by the other side of perception...
a limited view thanks to this third story nervous system.
yet we know, somehow, somewhere
we live together
not in community but as each other
where you don't begin and i don't end
(at the top)
on the same floor, as the same person, as the same space
multicellular and multifunctional - one cannot exist without the other
one vein, one ventricle, one vessel
looking down at the fragmented progression of self,
from the tenth floor - comprising an infinite house of god
where dali's moment of explosion
simultaneously begins with a painting and ends as a blank canvas.  

Poetic Form
Metre 110111001110111111 010010010 01101111101 101001 11100010011 011011101 10101100101 111 101010101100100111101011 10101001001010001 11100110010 1111001011 1101001 111011101001 100100101111 11011 11100101011010101011001011011 10100100100101011010 011111100100010 10111101 01101101011010 010011111101010 11111 11010 10010011110 111010111 101 1011101101011 100101100101010 1111110 1 1011010001011 10110101100111 11101010 010000110100110110
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 1,604
Words 291
Sentences 13
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 35
Lines Amount 35
Letters per line (avg) 37
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 1,283
Words per stanza (avg) 273
Font size:

Submitted by xxchromosomes on March 10, 2022

Modified by xxchromosomes on March 10, 2022

1:28 min read

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    "house of god, we." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 28 Dec. 2024. <>.

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