Analysis of Untitled

Meadows of dreams I have found
In my sea of thoughts I have drowned Visions of memories flutter by as enchanting as a butterfly
Only happiness lingers here
As fast as lightning your face appears
Waves of emotions wash over me
As our times together I suddenly see
Our friendship held the most powerful bond
tied together from beyond
What I wouldn’t give just to be with you
I suddenly realize how much I miss you
To hear you laugh obnoxiously loud
criticizing people from a crowd
My dreams are merely wishful thinking
Abruptly I lie still blinking

Poetic Form
Metre 111111 0111111110110010110101010 10100101 111101101 110101101 110101011001 10101011001 1010101 111111111 11001011111 111111 10010101 111101010 01011110
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 558
Words 107
Sentences 1
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 14
Lines Amount 14
Letters per line (avg) 32
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 448
Words per stanza (avg) 98
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Written on 2002

Submitted by Youngbloodjmarie on June 19, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

32 sec read

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    "Untitled" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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