Analysis of Eavesdropping

It wasn't done on purpose
I never hid
I never heard others knowingly
I never did

They talked in a kind of way
Like they wanted me to hear
Intended to make it seem normal
Ended up sounding very queer

Was it me or them?
Who was filled with fears
It was me whose mind was in turmoil
But they were the one shedding tears

They were talking about a crazy guy
Who locked them where nobody sees
Everyone of them tired
But nobody ever found the keys

Isn' it quite funny?
How my friends fantasize
Living their lives in imagination
Letting out their whimpry cries

They say I am the crazy one
But that's what they are
They don't even want to have fun together
They seem really far

I might be sounding really evil
But what else can I do
I hope that you will understand me
Because that is so you

Look, you are a really good friend
Even though you were paid
But you can't buy friends
That's what my mommy said

Don't worry, at least it wasn't
Done on purpose
And I never hid
I never heard others knowingly
I never did

Scheme abCB xxdx xexe xfxf cghg hiii djcj xxxx xabCB
Poetic Form
Metre 1101110 1101 110110100 1101 1100111 1110111 010111110 10110101 11111 11111 11111101 11001101 1010010101 111111 101110 1110101 11110 11110 101100010 101111 11110101 11111 11101111010 11101 111101010 111111 11111011 011111 11101011 101101 11111 111101 11011110 1110 01101 110110100 1101
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 1,012
Words 209
Sentences 3
Stanzas 9
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5
Lines Amount 37
Letters per line (avg) 21
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 88
Words per stanza (avg) 22

About this poem

It's about a person who is in search of real friends.

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Written on June 06, 2022

Submitted by H.A.S on October 01, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:04 min read


 · 2006


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    "Eavesdropping" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 27 Feb. 2025. <>.

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