Analysis of The Victims

We are the victims
I'm writing this with a broken heart
With a hot tears rolling down my cheek
I share in the pains of my brothers, friends and
Fellow patriots who also are the victims.
What have we done wrong?
Where did we go wrong?
Where can we go from here?
Where can we be free?
Who can we vote for?
Where is the safety and security?
We are always the victims.
We are always the target
For rituals and thuggery
I see river of blood flowing!
yes blood of the innocents is a pool.
Flowing from Adamawa, Taraba through Benue and Plateau
From Yobe, Maiduguri through Kaduna and Zamfara
I see blood flowing in Niger Delta regions.
But no drop of a senator's  son/daughter's blood
No Governor's Children are affected. Hmmmm!
All because we were born with no silver spoon
We struggle to feed ourselves and dependants
Yet we are killed without second thought.
Nigeria my land of birth,
What is our offence?
Where is the freedom and the privileges
That was in early sixties, seventies and eighties?
The education, employment and economy of yesterday
What happened to them?
The honesty, integrity and discipline of our fathers
Where are  they today?
The good old days where love abounds is a history.
We are suffering in and out of YOU.
Where is our pride as giant of Africa
Endowed with natural resources?
Every now and then is killings and deaths  that greet our ears
Xenophobia in Angola and South Africa to Nigerians.
Boko Haram and Herdsmen in North east and middle belt
Kidnapping and ethnic cleansing in different parts of YOU.
Where did we go wrong?
Innocent souls are buried in Zamfara on daily basis
Unheard ones in Kajuru and plateau why?
Selfishness of our leaders begets corruption that ravaged the system
Religion tore us apart instead of uniting us We are enemies.
Politics makes us enemies and killers instead of helping us
We are always the victims.
Our young people are pushed out by unemployment
Only to be met by cruel death.
All these are with the exception of their offsprings
Only the poor masses are the victims.
The security agencies amassed wealth at the expense of junior officers
Who are killed for games. Sent to war with no  weapons.
Yet we are killed like chickens with no one to defend us.
We are butchered like cows without mercy.
The leaders we voted, sponsor the terrorism that are meted on the helpless and defenceless
We are not safe in YOU our father land!
They fly out now and then and are given first class treatment
Oblivious of our plight they live flamboyantly
We are  the modern slaves
Our slave masters are worst than the then colonials
Though we are of same skin colour but treated as
Second class citizens on our own land of birth.
Indeed we are the VICTIMS of discrimination of all sorts.

Hear this, you who should have done something yet refused
You who holds public office and do not care about tomorrow
Know this, that you are sitting on a time bomb its explosion
Won't  be funny.
Revolution movement is ticking. Be warn that your actions now
will  be use to judge you and your children.
Bring back the Nigeria of yesterday fill with opportunities for all.
Blessed are those who laugh now...

Scheme axxbacCdexeAxexxfdgxhxaxiajkehlxemxjxgxmCnxhknAoxaalgneaboexxxix xfpeqpxq
Poetic Form
Metre 11010 110110101 101110111 11001111010 101001101010 11111 11111 111111 11111 11111 1101000100 111010 111010 11000100 11101110 1110100101 1011111001 1111101 111100101010 111101001101 11001010101 10110111101 1101100101 111101101 01001111 11101 1101000100 1101010100010 001001000100110 11011 01000100010011010 11101 0111110110100 1110000111 111011101100 011100100 1001011100111101 010000100110010100 110100110101 10010100100111 11111 10011100111010 011010011 1001101001010110010 0101101011010111100 1011100010011101 111010 101101111010 101111101 11110010111 1001101010 001001000111001110100 111111111110 11111101111011 1110110110 0101101001001110101001 11110110101 11110101101110 01001101110100 110101 10110111010100 11111111101 1011001101111 011101010010111 111111110101 111101001110101 111111010111010 1110 010101101111101 1111110110 110010011011010011 111111
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 3,163
Words 611
Sentences 41
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 64, 8
Lines Amount 72
Letters per line (avg) 35
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 1,256
Words per stanza (avg) 283

About this poem

The poem is a lament about the level of degeneration of things and man inhumanity to man and the Carnage mated on the poor citizens of Nigeria by the people who ironically are supposed to make things better (leaders). At the end, the poet warns that revolution lurking and the leaders should make things right or else...!!!

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Written on May 03, 2019

Submitted by sammani831 on October 30, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

3:04 min read


 · 1983 · Mapeo

Sammani Emmanuel is a graduate of English Language from Taraba State University Jalingo-Nigeria. A teacher leader by profession and a fellow of Teach for Nigeria. He is a seasoned poet and playwright. His collection of poems treat theme such as romance, politics, romanticism and host of other themes. He happily married to a beautiful woman. more…


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