Analysis of Why should I play God?

Why should I play "God"?

That feeling came back-- the shrill sound of battle...
The spirit of David Bowie comes to me again planning to
take over the State of Virginia and then the world of all Jacob
Jerimiyah's children of Jerusalem, US, the period-Demon, the Mockingbird
The Vestal Virgin.
We are not Virgins, anymore. A virgin is a girl that has never had sex.
THEY'VE had sex-- the others of my kindred age. I am the last of my kind.
But David Bowie or the eidolon, Alexander, from Final Fantasy IX says that
we are all cursed.
The Nephilim are here. That's because I made love to an angel named, Micheal, in my
dreams. We had two children there. One Micheal Myers, and one Michele Myers, both from my own origin of
the Halloween franchise in which I made a story, that became a myth.
So what does he want? Merely for me to summon him. DREAM--IMAGINE--A potent so lethal, it will draw an

Poetic Form
Metre 11111 11011011110 0101101011101101 11001101001011110 110101001010010010 01010 1111001010101111011 111010111011101111 11010101010110100111 1111 0111101111111011001 11111011101001011011111001 0011011101010101 111111011110110100101101111 010
Closest metre Iambic octameter
Characters 904
Words 174
Sentences 15
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 1, 14
Lines Amount 15
Letters per line (avg) 46
Words per line (avg) 11
Letters per stanza (avg) 348
Words per stanza (avg) 83
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Written on 2021

Submitted by shelina_s on January 16, 2023

Modified on March 05, 2023

53 sec read

shelina denise chapman

I am a scizhorprenic ever since I was only 19. I graduated from a high school called Denbigh High School in Newport News, Virginia in that same year. I have no friends except my desire to read and write creatively. Amious Mundus est! more…

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    "Why should I play God?" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 27 Feb. 2025. <>.

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