Analysis of Pennies and Boarding School

Pennies and Boarding School

Yelling. I remember the yelling. It was my mother yelling. Screaming, her face red like a cherry. It was so scary and I wanted to run. But I didn’t. Out the door she went, running after her oldest daughter.
You are a disgrace.
I can’t trust you.
You must think I’m pretty dumb don’t you?
She continued to yell all the way up the street. But Mallory’s as fast as a bullet.
 No keep it together. Don’t cry.
Her backpack is on the floor from where it was thrown,  emptied and sagging with sorrow and shame, and I’m sweeping up the floor. Concentrating only on the sound of the broom. There are pennies in her bag, pennies on the floor of the room.
Why are those there?
She had social media and ran away.
She had social media and got sent away.
All the way to Kansas City for 15 months. Stupid boarding school. Stupid social media. Haley and I would cry.
 She’s our sister.
We’ll miss her.
Look at what you’ve done. Dad would say.
You are tearing apart this family. Dad would say.
Then Haley and me would stop. It could only hurt her. That’s what we thought. And he said he would apologize.
But he didn’t.
He realized it was completely her fault.
That’s what he said anyway. Social media, it’s dangerous and can get you sent away. Don’t try and argue, it’s always been this way. No Snapchat, or Instagram or Tiktok or Twitter.  That’s what my mom would always say.
But it was good for Mallory,
She’s found God.
It was hard to send her away,
Hardest decision of our lives.
But it saved her,
That’s what my mom would say.

Scheme x axbbcxDDexxffFFeaaffxcxfxxfxaf
Poetic Form
Metre 100101 10101001011110101001110101111001101111110111101001010 11001 1111 111110111 10101110110111111010 1 1 1 11101011 011101111111001011001011010110010101101111000110101101 1111 11101000101 111010001101 01 01 1011101011101011010100100111 11010 110 11111111 1110011100111 1100111111010111101111010 111 1101101001 111110101001100011110111010111111111111101111111 11111100 111 11111001 100101101 1110 111111
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 1,624
Words 326
Sentences 44
Stanzas 2
Stanza Lengths 1, 30
Lines Amount 31
Letters per line (avg) 39
Words per line (avg) 10
Letters per stanza (avg) 600
Words per stanza (avg) 149

About this poem

This poem is written about my experiences when I was younger and my sister got sent to a boarding school. Following this poem I’m working on two more detailing event that occurred in my family after she was sent away. It is written in Free-verse and the format may be confusing or unusual, but my mind was cluttered when I was experiencing this and I wanted to convey that in the poem.

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Written on February 28, 2023

Submitted by Hannahcaycedo on March 02, 2023

1:37 min read

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    "Pennies and Boarding School" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 22 Dec. 2024. <>.

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