Analysis of Well Enough Left Alone

People can not seem to leave,
What is well enough left alone.
With a wish and urgency,
To get as close as possible to microscope...
Inspect and dissect a doing done to do,
More to prioritize...
Than those occupying their own household.

People can not seem to leave,
An intoxicating addiction...
To have their noses cemented,
Up in someone else's business.
As if to be paid twenty four hours each day,
Too curious to stay a minute away...
From involving themselves to improve,
Becoming better human beings.
Without wasting time they spend,
Seeking attention yet not to listen...
That's a bit too much curiosity,
Beyond the necessity needed to have.
Can create their own aches and pains.
By remaining to stay focus,
On others doing what they choose.

And those others?
Seldom are seen to be the victims,
Of falling down in the streets.
Or walking into telephone poles and trees.
To then claim disbelief of not seeing,
Police chasing children...
Using guns while shooting at each other.
With it then from them heard to say,
Why the problems of today go unnoticed.
And can not be corrected to fix.
That too me is nothing more,
Than excuse making nonsense.
When the people of today,
Act as if they are immune from it.

'No respect is shown these days to get.
Nor is discipline to expect it,
From these adults.
Who seem blind as bats attracted to darkness.
With no concern to show they do,
For what is happening right under their noses!'

'I know.
Isn't it awful?
And one would think,
A minding their own business...
With a cleaning up their own backyards.
Would be a cure and remedy for everything.'

'I heard that.
And so blessed I am,
To know my neighbors...
Leave well enough left alone as is!'

How do you know this?'

'Everytime they see me,
Outside using my binoculars to bird watch.
They go inside and seem to realize,
How serious I am about observing details.
And birds can be very sensitive,
They seem to know,
As to who is watching them unannounced.
Like Purposely they sense being monitored.'

'Is this your hobby?'

What hobby?'

Yes. Yes it is.'

'And yet...
In your yard there is not a single tree.'

'I know.
The kind I like are too expensive to plant.
They are all in my neighbor's yard.
And I tried to tell them,
This is what I do.'

'How long has this been a hobby of yours?'

'Not that long.
A few months.
My interest peaked,
When their eldest son began smoking weed.
And had these strange people,
Coming and going when his parents...
Left home to go to work.
Leaving him to do what he pleases.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not nosey.'

That thought didn't enter my mind.
I understand.
You're a proactive bird watcher.
I'm more into seagulls.
I like the way they dive for fish.
And come close to sunbathers.
To watch what they eat.'

'That's too far.'

'What's too far?'

Scheme Axbxcdx Aexfggxxxebxhxfx ixxxjekgxxxxgl llxfcm Noxfxj pqim Nf bxdxxnxx b bb Nm xb Nxxqc i rxxxoxxmprb cbxhkbxxbx s s
Poetic Form
Metre 1011111 11101101 1010100 11111100110 01001010111 11010 11100111 1011111 10100010 11110010 1011010 111111011011 11001101001 101001101 010101010 0110111 1001011110 101110100 01001001011 0 10111101 10101110 11010111 0110 101111010 1101001 1100110101 111011110 011010 1011101110 11111111 10101011010 011101011 1111101 1011010 1010101 111110111 101111111 111001011 1101 11111010110 11011111 111100110110 11 10110 0111 0101110 10101111 11010100110 111 01111 11110 110110111 1 11111 10111 111010100111 110101110 1100110101001 011110100 1111 111110101 11001110100 11110 10 110 1 1111 01 0111110101 11 01111101011 11101101 011111 11111 1111101011 111 011 1101 1110101101 011110 100101110 111111 101111110 1 1111 111 1 1 11101011 101 10110110 1 11011 11011111 01111 11111 111 111
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 2,863
Words 633
Sentences 77
Stanzas 18
Stanza Lengths 7, 16, 14, 6, 6, 4, 2, 8, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 1, 11, 10, 1, 1
Lines Amount 99
Letters per line (avg) 22
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 119
Words per stanza (avg) 28
Font size:

Written on July 04, 2023

Submitted by lpahtillah on July 04, 2023

Modified by lpahtillah on July 04, 2023

3:13 min read

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    "Well Enough Left Alone" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 28 Dec. 2024. <>.

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