Analysis of I should apologize

I should apologize for falling for you
Let me assure you it was not apart of my plan

I should apologize for hearing your voice
And seeing your eyes
And feeling your body warmth against mine
Every night since the day I met you

I should apologize for smiling to big and feeling to much
And falling too hard
Too fast
Too much it was a very long decent month spent
But not wasted
Falling for you
But the initial trip
Was hours after we met

I should apologize for being too eager
For talking to much
For missing you severely
For fighting my love for you

I should apologize for falling in love with you
And for annoying you

I should apologize for the rest of my life
For falling for you

So I will apologize every morning
And every night for the rest of forever

My head on your chest
I will say I'm not sorry
MY hand in yours
I will say I'm not sorry
My body entwined with yours
I will say I don't apologize
I don't intend to apologize
I will never apologize for giving you my heart
And falling in love with you.

Scheme ax xbxa cxxxxaxx dcea aa xa xd xEfEfbbxa
Poetic Form
Metre 1101011011 1101111101111 1101011011 01011 0101101011 1001101111 110101101101011 01011 11 111101011011 1110 1011 100101 1101011 11010110110 11011 1101010 1101111 110101100111 010101 11010101111 11011 11101010010 010011011010 11111 1111110 1101 1111110 1100111 11111010 11011010 1110010110111 0100111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,012
Words 206
Sentences 1
Stanzas 8
Stanza Lengths 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 2, 2, 9
Lines Amount 33
Letters per line (avg) 24
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 100
Words per stanza (avg) 25
Font size:

Submitted by shellby_h on February 26, 2024

1:03 min read

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    "I should apologize" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 8 Jan. 2025. <>.

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