Analysis of The Gift of Suffering

We enter the world upside down
and journey through life backwards.
We cannot know what lies ahead,
as this would destroy all purpose.

We only see where we have been.
The mistakes we've made are clear,
as we survey each passing glance
in our journey on through life.

We suffer pain to understand
how to grow in soul and strength.
So, treasure hardship - welcome strife
and celebrate your journey.

God selects each gift with great care,
to help and guide us with love.
Rejoice when times are troublesome,
and know His gifts were special.

Poetic Form
Metre 11001111 0101110 11011101 11101110 11011111 0011111 11011101 01010111 1101101 1110101 11010101 010110 10111111 1101111 01111100 0111010
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 538
Words 109
Sentences 8
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 27
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 107
Words per stanza (avg) 24

About this poem

The harder the challenges in our life, the more we grow in soul.

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Submitted by susannaelliott on April 19, 2024

33 sec read

Susanna Elliott-Newth

Susanna is a teacher, living near the coastal fringes of the Illawarra Coastline in NSW, Australia. Her environment is her stimulus for her writing. She has published four books of short stories, as well as her own memoir book, and writes educational resources for teachers. more…

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