Analysis of The Sound of an Old Chainsaw

The sound of an old chain saw, it reminds me of my father's hands. Large gnarled rough from many years of hard work.

A man that was gifted with enough intelligence that he would have been equally proficient teaching in a university classroom. A man that toiled from the beginning to the end of his life, yes it's true a man that needed a task, an assignment even to the days before his death. And what's amazing is that after a day spent laboring, a day spent fighting the troubles from outside and within he would spend his evenings engaging his mind, a mind so beautifully kind but so troubled.

At times, he gave so much he seemed to slip away from us. So many times I tried to grab that illusive specter only to watch it slip back away into despair. If his fight would have been a physical one or if he would have been fighting for another, I believe he would have come off victorious. But as his hands were scarred and beat up his soul was much the same. Despite my many attempts, healing or even relief by my many words was not to be.

Finally, the darkness took the last frail piece of that once mighty man, for it had pecked at him like carrion for years taking piece by piece until its purpose was accomplished. I so miss the deep understanding and kindness of the man not to mention his sense of humor. But it is a kindness in its self that the struggle is over. For although he chose to fight the battle alone, it caused many painful ripples in the water. They haven't reached the shore even today.

Scheme X X X X
Poetic Form
Metre 01111111011111011111101111 01111010101001111110001010000100101111001010111111101110011010101010111010101110011100011100101110011111100101101110011110 111111111101111101111110101010111110101011111110100111111110101010111111010011110101111110101110011011001111011111 1000101011111110111111111001110111011101010111010100101011110111101110100111010110111111010011110101000101101011001
Characters 1,513
Words 292
Sentences 15
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 4
Letters per line (avg) 298
Words per line (avg) 72
Letters per stanza (avg) 298
Words per stanza (avg) 72

About this poem

For my father

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Written on January 14, 2022

Submitted by Mpayne212144 on April 26, 2024

1:28 min read

Marie Payne

 · 1971 · Ohio

52 yr old nurse, I live in beautiful West Virginia. I enjoy reading poetry and mysteries. more…

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    "The Sound of an Old Chainsaw" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 2 Feb. 2025. <>.

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