Analysis of Lines Written in 1799.

Hail to thy pencil! well its glowing art
Has traced those features painted on my heart;
Now, though in distant scenes she soon will rove,
Still here I behold the friend I love--
Still see that smile, "endearing, artless, kind,"
The eye's mild beam that speaks the candid mind,
Which, sportive oft, yet fearful to offend,
By humour charms, but never wounds a friend.

But in my breast contending feelings rise,
While this loved semblance fascinates my eyes;

Now, pleased I mark the painter's skilful line,
And now, rejoice the skill I mark is thine:
And while I prize the gift by thee bestow'd,
My heart proclaims, I'm of the giver proud.
Thus pride and friendship war with equal strife,
And now the friend exults, and now the wife.

Poetic Form
Metre 1111011101 1111010111 1101011111 111010111 111101011 0111110101 111110101 111110101 1011010101 111101011 111101011 0101011111 0111011101 1101110101 1101011101 0101010101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 726
Words 132
Sentences 5
Stanzas 3
Stanza Lengths 8, 2, 6
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 36
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 189
Words per stanza (avg) 43
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Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

40 sec read

Amelia Opie

Amelia Opie, née Alderson, was an English author who published numerous novels in the Romantic Period of the early 19th century, through to 1828. Opie was also a leading abolitionist in Norwich, England. Amelia Opie's was the first of 187,000 names presented to the British Parliament on a petition from women to stop slavery. more…

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