Analysis of Elegy XVI: On His Mistress

By our first strange and fatal interview,
By all desires which thereof did ensue,
By our long starving hopes, by that remorse
Which my words' masculine persuasive force
Begot in thee, and by the memory
Of hurts, which spies and rivals threatened me,
I calmly beg: but by thy father's wrath,
By all pains, which want and divorcement hath,
I conjure thee, and all the oaths which I
And thou have sworn to seal joint constancy,
Here I unswear, and overswear them thus,
Thou shalt not love by ways so dangerous.
Temper, O fair Love, love's impetuous rage,
Be my true Mistress still, not my feigned Page;
I'll go, and, by thy kind leave, leave behind
Thee, only worthy to nurse in my mind
Thirst to come back; O if thou die before,
My soul from other lands to thee shall soar.
Thy (else Almighty) beauty cannot move
Rage from the Seas, nor thy love teach them love,
Nor tame wild Boreas' harshness; thou hast read
How roughly he in pieces shivered
Fair Orithea, wbom he swore he loved.
Fall ill or good, 'tis madness to have proved
Dangers unurged; feed on this flattery,
That absent Lovers one in th' other be.
Dissemble nothing, not a boy, nor change
Thy body's habit, nor mind's; be not strange
To thyself only; all will spy in thy face
A blushing womanly discovering grace;
Ricbly clothed Apes are called Apes, and as soon
Eclipsed as bright we call the Moon the Moon.
Men of France, changeable chameleons,
Spitals of diseases, shops of fashions,
Love's fuellers, and the rightest company
Of Players, which upon the world's stage be,
Will quickly know thee, and no less, alas!
Th' indifferent Italian, as we pass
His warm land, well content to think thee Page,
Will hunt thee with such lust, and hideous rage,
As Lot's fair guests were vexed. But none of these
Nor spongy hydroptic Dutch shall thee displease,
If thou stay here. O stay here, for, for thee
England is only a worthy gallery,
To walk in expectation, till from thence
Our greatest King call thee to his presence.
When I am gone, dream me some happiness,
Nor let thy looks our long-hid love confess,
Nor praise, nor dispraise me, nor bless nor curse
Openly love's force, nor in bed fright thy Nurse
With midnight's startings, crying out—oh, oh
Nurse, O my love is slain, I saw him go
O'er the white Alps alone; I saw him, I,
Assailed, fight, taken, stabbed, bleed, fall, and die.
Augur me better chance, except dread Jove
Think it enough for me t' have had thy love.

Poetic Form
Metre 1101101010 1101011101 11011011101 1111000101 0101010100 1111010101 1101111101 11111011 1101010111 0111111100 1110111 1111111100 1011110101 1111011111 1101111101 1101011011 1111111101 1111011111 1101010101 1101111111 111110111 110101010 1111111 1111110111 101111100 110101011101 0101010111 1101011111 1110111011 010101001 111111011 0111110101 1111001 110101110 11001100 1101010111 1101101101 11010010111 1111101111 11111101001 1111011111 110111101 1111111111 10110010100 110010111 10101111110 1111111100 11111011101 111111111 10011101111 11110111 1111111111 10011011111 0111011101 1011010111 11011111111
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 2,382
Words 440
Sentences 12
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 56
Lines Amount 56
Letters per line (avg) 34
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 1,880
Words per stanza (avg) 438
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on May 03, 2023

2:15 min read

John Donne

 · 1572 · London
 · 1631 · London

John Donne was an English poet, satirist, lawyer and a cleric in the Church of England. more…

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