Analysis of Wat Tyler - Act I


Wat Tyler at work within. A May-pole
before the Door.


CHEERFUL on this holiday,
Welcome we the merry May.

On ev'ry sunny hillock spread,
The pale primrose rears her head;
Rich with sweets the western gale
Sweeps along the cowslip'd dale.
Every bank with violets gay,
Smiles to welcome in the May.

The linnet from the budding grove,
Chirps her vernal song of love.
The copse resounds the throstle's notes,
On each wild gale sweet music floats;
And melody from every spray,
Welcomes in the merry May.

Cheerful on this holiday,
Welcome we the merry May.

During the Dance, Tyler lays down his
Hammer, and sits mournfully down before
his Door.

Why so sad, neighbour?—do not these gay sports,
This revelry of youth, recall the days
When we too mingled in the revelry;
And lightly tripping in the morris dance
Welcomed the merry month?

Aye, we were young;
No cares had quell'd the hey-day of the blood:
We sported deftly in the April morning,
Nor mark'd the black clouds gathering o'er our noon;
Nor fear'd the storm of night.

Beshrew me, Tyler,
But my heart joys to see the imps so cheerful!
Young, hale, and happy, why should they destroy
These blessings by reflection?

Look ye, neighbour—
You have known me long.

Since we were boys together,
And play'd at barley-brake, and danc'd the morris:—
Some five-and-twenty years!

Was not I young,
And hale and happy?

Cheerful as the best.

Have not I been a staid, hard-working man?
Up with the lark at labour—sober—honest—
Of an unblemish'd character?

Who doubts it,
There's never a man in Essex bears a better.

And shall not these, tho' young, and hale and happy,
Look on with sorrow to the future hour?
Shall not reflection poison all their pleasures?
When I—the honest, staid, hard-working
Tyler, Toil thro' the long course of the summer's day,
Still toiling, yet still poor! when with hard labour
Scarce can I furnish out my daily food—
And age comes on to steal away my strength,
And leave me poor and wretched! Why should this be?
My youth was regular—my labour constant—
I married an industrious, virtuous woman;
Nor while I toiled and sweated at the anvil,
Sat she neglectful of her spinning wheel.—
Hob—I have only six groats in the world,
And they must soon by law be taken from me.

Curse on these taxes—one succeeds another—
Our ministers—panders of a king's will—
Drain all our wealth away—waste it in revels—
And lure, or force away our boys, who should be
The props of our old age!—to fill their armies
And feed the crows of France! year follows year,
And still we madly prosecute the war;—
Draining our wealth—distressing our poor peasants—
Slaughtering our youths—and all to crown our chiefs
With Glory!—I detest the hell-sprung name.

What matters me who wears the crown of France?
Whether a Richard or a Charles possess it?
They reap the glory—they enjoy the spoil—
We pay—we bleed!—The sun would shine as cheerly
The rains of heaven as seasonably fall;
Tho' neither of these royal pests existed.

Nay—as for that, we poor men should fare better!
No legal robbers then should force away
The hard-earn'd wages of our honest toil.
The Parliament for ever cries more money,
The service of the state demands more money.
Just heaven! of what service is the state?

Oh! 'tis of vast importance! who should pay for
The luxuries and riots of the court?
Who should support the flaunting courtier's pride,
Pay for their midnight revels, their rich garments,
Did not the state enforce?—Think ye, my friend,
That I—a humble blacksmith, here at Deptford,
Would part with these six groats—earn'd by hard toil,
All that I have! To massacre the Frenchmen,
Murder as enemies men I never saw!
Did not the state compel me?
(Tax gatherers pass by)
There they go, privileg'd r———s!—

(PIERS and ALICE advance to him. )

Did we not dance it well to-day, my f

Scheme x ab c DD eeffdd xxggdd DD xbb xxchx ijkxx lmxn bx lxo ic x xxl xpl clokdlxxcxnmxxc lmxcxxbqxx hpraxj ldrccx bxxqxdrxxcxx x x
Poetic Form
Metre 1011 1101101011 0101 1011 101110 1010101 1110101 011101 1110101 101011 100111001 1110001 01010101 1010111 011011 11111101 010011001 1000101 101110 1010101 100110111 10011101 11 111111111 110011101 1111000100 0101000101 100101 1101 1111011101 11010001010 1101110010101 110111 1110 11111101110 1101011101 1101010 111 11111 1101010 01110101010 110101 1111 01010 10101 1111011101 1101111010 11010100 1 111 110010101010 01111101010 11110101010 11010101110 110101110 101101110101 1101111111 1111011101 0111110111 01110101111 1111001110 1101010010010 11110101010 1101010101 1111011001 01111111011 11110101010 1010011011 111010111010 011101101111 011101111110 0101111101 011101001 1010101010110 1001010111101 1101010111 1101110111 10010101011 1101010101 1111011111 01110111 11011101010 11111111110 1101011101 01110110101 01001101110 01010101110 1101110101 11110101111 0100010101 110101011 1111101110 1101011111 110101111 1111111111 11111100010 10110011101 1101011 110011 1111011 10100111 1111111111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 4,028
Words 697
Sentences 68
Stanzas 24
Stanza Lengths 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 2, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 15, 10, 6, 6, 12, 1, 1
Lines Amount 102
Letters per line (avg) 29
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 124
Words per stanza (avg) 28
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

3:34 min read

Robert Southey

 · 1774 · Bristol
 · 1843 · London

Robert Southey was an English poet of the Romantic school, one of the so-called "Lake Poets", and Poet Laureate for 30 years from 1813 to his death in 1843. more…

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