Analysis of Composed While The Author Was Engaged In Writing A Tract Occasioned By The Convention Of Cintra

NOT 'mid the world's vain objects that enslave
The free-born Soul--that World whose vaunted skill
In selfish interest perverts the will,
Whose factions lead astray the wise and brave--
Not there; but in dark wood and rocky cave,
And hollow vale which foaming torrents fill
With omnipresent murmur as they rave
Down their steep beds, that never shall be still:
Here, mighty Nature! in this school sublime
I weigh the hopes and fears of suffering Spain;
For her consult the auguries of time,
And through the human heart explore my way;
And look and listen--gathering, whence I may,
Triumph, and thoughts no bondage can restrain.

Poetic Form
Metre 1101110101 0111111101 010101001 1101010101 1110110101 0101110101 101010111 1111110111 1101001101 11010111001 10010111 0101010111 01010100111 1001110101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 622
Words 107
Sentences 3
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 14
Lines Amount 14
Letters per line (avg) 36
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 499
Words per stanza (avg) 105
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

32 sec read

William Wordsworth

 · 1770 · Cockermouth
 · 1850 · Rydal

William Wordsworth was the husband of Eva Bartok. more…

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