Analysis of THE JADED HELM

This God that some idolize did he introduce good and evil for there to be a balance?
Could it be simply to keep Lucifer occupied whilst he takes an extremely long leave of absence?
Maybe to have this devilish presence provides him with a nemesis to compete against.
To resurrect within him a sating renewed excitement?

Explain to me this Lucifer again, the one you use evil to epitomize.
He offers luxurious pleasures your God given body yearn for yet must deny such seductive price.
Over this earthly plane where a ‘Master’ corrals his flock to live and breed.
Amongst so much deprivation and pestilence because of material greed.

It is men that say, "God created man as a reflection of his own image."
However if we were to reflect, man has simply created an icon to seem as they wish?
I have to ask, ‟Are you a willing believer of the faith that ‛One’ has monopolised?”
Does your obedience develop from God fearing he who demands only he be immortalized?

To be told good and evil is simply black or white raises the question.
To look very close why do they both appear ashen?
One now pale and faded…the shadow of a once gleaming light.
The other embers glimmer, as it dampens, no longer aflame incite

Poetic Form
Metre 111110110110101111010 111101110010111101011110 1011110100111010010101 1010110101010 01111100010111101010 11001001011101011110110101 10110110101111101 0111010010001101001 11111101011001011110 10110101111001011011111 1111110100101011111 1101000101110110110110100 111101011011110010 1110111110110 11101001101101 01010101111100101
Characters 1,220
Words 235
Sentences 16
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 60
Words per line (avg) 14
Letters per stanza (avg) 239
Words per stanza (avg) 54
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Submitted by Hubbsify on October 13, 2020

Modified by Hubbsify on November 12, 2021

1:10 min read


I am looking beyond written 'histories' for truths that are intentionally disguised within words by way of using modern terms more…

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    "THE JADED HELM" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 14 Jan. 2025. <>.

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