Analysis of Blocked

I pick up the phone and called you
Again I get your voicemail
So you say you love me so where are you
No voice, no pick-up, nothing at all
Alone again with my fears
Drowning in all my tears
Your there for me when its convenient for you
Forget the world, forget you
Obviously if you love me
Then I guess our love went wrong
No matter if your blind or you can see
Your obviously blind and your loves a messed up song
I'm in a state of confusion and pure misery
Even though I gave you my heart I want back my key
Again it will be locked
And all my feelings for you are now forever blocked.

Poetic Form
Metre 11101011 011111 1111111111 111111011 0101111 100111 11111101011 0101011 10001111 11110111 1101111111 1100010110111 1001101001100 1011111111111 011111 0111011110101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 571
Words 121
Sentences 1
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 16
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 29
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 460
Words per stanza (avg) 121
Font size:

Submitted on June 13, 2015

Modified on March 05, 2023

36 sec read

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    "Blocked" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 28 Dec. 2024. <>.

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