Analysis of Dear Judge

My name is Shaun Arrington Jr. I am nine years old . I am writing to tell you, I need my father in my life, to me my father and my uncle HAD A DISAGREEMENT AND IN MY EYES THROUGH ME WE ARE FAMILY. i LOVE MY FATHER AND I LOVE MY UNCLE. When my father was younger, the doctor told him he was not going to have kids and here I am thanks to God. My birthday is July 1st and my father birthday is July 19, we are just alike. My father had no fsther, when he was younger, so if you understand me, please my father is not a bad man, I need him.

Scheme A
Poetic Form Monorhyme
Metre 111110011111111101111111001111110011010001000111111100111100111101110110010111111011101111111111101101111110111011111110111011111011011111
Characters 537
Words 116
Sentences 7
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 1
Lines Amount 1
Letters per line (avg) 406
Words per line (avg) 117
Letters per stanza (avg) 406
Words per stanza (avg) 117
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Submitted on May 02, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

34 sec read

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    "Dear Judge" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 22 Dec. 2024. <>.

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