Analysis of Life

© 2014 Roland Ediare 2705-12621185

Life! like a chiseled plaque
Designed to meet a purpose
Shaved wood, pain borne
Hanging in, like for dear life
No pain, no gain the man cries
Imperfection wears perfection
Gradually carved to shape
Dusk comes, the day is gone

Life! like in the potter's wheel
Knifed through, unbearable
Deformed being reformed
Clear focus, assails for the goal
Hard-worked, like in the boot camp
Almost giving up, too tough to bear
Long-run, human puts on divinity
Reformed till transformation becomes
Dusk is gone, and Night befalls

Poetic Form
Metre 101 110101 0111010 1111 1001111 1111011 0101010 1000111 110111 1100101 110100 011001 11001101 1110011 11011111 1110110100 01101001 1110101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 535
Words 91
Sentences 3
Stanzas 3
Stanza Lengths 1, 8, 9
Lines Amount 18
Letters per line (avg) 25
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 148
Words per stanza (avg) 30
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Submitted on May 07, 2015

Modified on March 05, 2023

27 sec read

Roland 'KingShip' Ediare

I'm a man sold-out to The God of JesusChrist...I preach Him in & out of Season...-I I love life, laughter and being myself...I'm "BRASH"; usually not a 'respecter of persons'...I practically speak things as they are with a pragmatic intent. ...And I'm usually Very PASSIONATE about whatever I speak or ...Regarding my poetry: I usually put on a character and a subject that I'm passionate about...It brings me close to deliver my passion as the real characters would feel...As close as I can get if the 'subject' was me....someday 'Beyond the Sky' will be my reach. "Deo Volente!...Please Enjoy my poems, most of them are quite deep; so when you read try to get outside 'The Box'; because ...I write from outside the box...And Remain Blessed. Then before you rate Google the meaning of unknown word, you do not know it all...How do you fault what you do not understand...the burden of understanding is never on the giver of information, but on the recipient...Anyway thanks. more…

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