Analysis of Unconditional love and heartache.

You tell me now, that you are going away.
I don't even know what to do or what to say.
I wish for your sake, that you could just stay.
I know you have no choice, so I will just have to pray.
That God blesses you and keeps you safe, from day to day.
I know that you are tough, and I know that you will be okay.
I have told you before, you've touched me in a way that's here to stay.
She loves you, and you love her, so your love for each other will never stray.
Stay positive, you'll be okay, for God will bless you for your selfless display.

Poetic Form Monorhyme
Metre 11111111001 111011111111 1111111111 1111111111111 1110101111111 11111101111111 1111011110011111 111011011111101101 110011111111111001
Closest metre Iambic heptameter
Characters 533
Words 114
Sentences 9
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 9
Lines Amount 9
Letters per line (avg) 45
Words per line (avg) 13
Letters per stanza (avg) 405
Words per stanza (avg) 114
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Submitted by honey1570 on August 21, 2014

Modified on March 05, 2023

35 sec read

Elizabeth King

Through circumstances of life, I needed to find a healthy release. I was encouraged to write. I found it relaxing, therapeutic, and so much more. I have been doing it ever since! more…

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    "Unconditional love and heartache." STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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