Jessicalynnhepner's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by jessicalynnhepner  —  There are currently 29 poems total — keep up the great work!

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Childless Woman

The womb
Rattles its pod, the moon
Discharges itself from the tree with nowhere to go.

My landscape is a hand with no lines,
The roads bunched to a knot,
The knot myself,

Myself the rose you acheive---
This body,
This ivory

Ungodly as...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Black Rook in Rainy Weather

On the stiff twig up there
Hunches a wet black rook
Arranging and rearranging its feathers in the rain-
I do not expect a miracle
Or an accident

To set the sight on fire
In my eye, nor seek
Any more in the desultory weather some design,

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Black Pine Tree In An Orange Light

Tell me what you see in it :
The pine tree like a Rorschach-blot
black against the orange light :

Plant an orange pumpkin patch
which at twelve will quaintly hatch
nine black mice with ebon coach,

or walk into the orange and make

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Bitter Strawberries

All morning in the strawberry field
They talked about the Russians.
Squatted down between the rows
We listened.
We heard the head woman say,
'Bomb them off the map.'

Horseflies buzzed, paused and stung.
And the taste of strawberries

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago


This is the sea, then, this great abeyance.
How the sun's poultice draws on my inflammation.

Electrifyingly-colored sherbets, scooped from the freeze
By pale girls, travel the air in scorched hands.

Why is it so quiet, what are they...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Barren Woman

Empty, I echo to the least footfall,
Museum without statues, grand with pillars, porticoes, rotundas.
In my courtyard a fountain leaps and sinks back into itself,
Nun-hearted and blind to the world. Marble lilies
Exhale their pallor like scent.

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago

Since Christmas they have lived with us,
Guileless and clear,
Oval soul-animals,
Taking up half the space,
Moving and rubbing on the silk

Invisible air drifts,
Giving a shriek and pop
When attacked, then scooting to rest, barely trembling.

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago

Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.

God's lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees! ---The furrow

Splits and passes, sister to
The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,


by Sylvia Plath

 1 View
added 7 days ago
Aquatic Nocturne

in liquid
turquoise slivers
of dilute light

quiver in thin streaks
of bright tinfoil
on mobile jet:

pale flounder
waver by
tilting silver:

in the shallows
agile minnows
flicker gilt:

grapeblue mussels
dilate lithe and

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
April Aubade

Worship this world of watercolor mood
in glass pagodas hung with veils of green
where diamonds jangle hymns within the blood
and sap ascends the steeple of the vein.

A saintly sparrow jargons madrigals
to waken dreamers in the milky dawn,

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
April 18

slime of all my yesterdays
rots in the hollow of my skull

and if my stomach would contract
because of some explicable phenomenon
such as pregnancy or constipation

I would not remember you

or that because of sleep
infrequent as a...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
An Appearance

The smile of iceboxes annihilates me.
Such blue currents in the veins of my loved one!
I hear her great heart purr.

From her lips ampersands and percent signs
Exit like kisses.
It is Monday in her mind: morals

Launder and present...

by Sylvia Plath

 1 View
added 7 days ago
Among the Narcissi

Spry, wry, and gray as these March sticks,
Percy bows, in his blue peajacket, among the narcissi.
He is recuperating from something on the lung.

The narcissi, too, are bowing to some big thing :
It rattles their stars on the green hill where...

by Sylvia Plath

 1 View
added 7 days ago
All The Dead Dears

Rigged poker -stiff on her back
With a granite grin
This antique museum-cased lady
Lies, companioned by the gimcrack
Relics of a mouse and a shrew
That battened for a day on her ankle-bone.

These three, unmasked now, bear
Dry witness

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Alicante Lullaby

In Alicante they bowl the barrels
Bumblingly over the nubs of the cobbles
Past the yellow-paella eateries,
Below the ramshackle back-alley balconies,
While the cocks and hens
In the roofgardens
Scuttle repose with crowns and cackles.


by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago

Compelled by calamity's magnet
They loiter and stare as if the house
Burnt-out were theirs, or as if they thought
Some scandal might any minute ooze
From a smoke-choked closet into light;
No deaths, no prodigious injuries
Glut these hunters...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Above The Oxbow

Here in this valley of discrete academies
We have not mountains, but mounts, truncated hillocks
To the Adirondacks, to northern Monadnock,
Themselves mere rocky hillocks to an Everest.
Still, they're out best mustering of height: by

by Sylvia Plath

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added 7 days ago
A Winter Ship

At this wharf there are no grand landings to speak of.
Red and orange barges list and blister
Shackled to the dock, outmoded, gaudy,
And apparently indestructible.
The sea pulses under a skin of oil.

A gull holds his pose on a shanty...

by Sylvia Plath

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added 7 days ago
A Sorcerer Bids FarewellTo Seem

I'm through with this grand looking-glass hotel
where adjectives play croquet with flamingo nouns;
methinks I shall absent me for a while
from rhetoric of these rococo queens.
Item : chuck out royal rigmarole of props
and auction off each rare...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
A Life

Touch it: it won't shrink like an eyeball,
This egg-shaped bailiwick, clear as a tear.
Here's yesterday, last year ---
Palm-spear and lily distinct as flora in the vast
Windless threadwork of a tapestry.

Flick the glass with your fingernail:

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
A Lesson In Vengeance

In the dour ages
Of drafty cells and draftier castles,
Of dragons breathing without the frame of fables,
Saint and king unfisted obstruction's knuckles
By no miracle or majestic means,

But by such abuses
As smack of spite and the...

by Sylvia Plath

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added 7 days ago

There is this white wall, above which the sky creates itself-
Infinite, green, utterly untouchable.
Angels swim in it, and the stars, in indifference also.
They are my medium.
The sun dissolves on this wall, bleeding its lights.

A grey wall...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Fever 103°

Pure? What does it mean?
The tongues of hell
Are dull, dull as the triple

Tongues of dull, fat Cerebus
Who wheezes at the gate. Incapable
Of licking clean

The aguey tendon, the sin, the sin.
The tinder cries.
The indelible smell

Of a...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago
Lady Lazarus

I have done it again.
One year in every ten
I manage it----

A sort of walking miracle, my skin
Bright as a Nazi lampshade,
My right foot

A paperweight,
My face a featureless, fine
Jew linen.

Peel off the napkin
0 my enemy.
Do I...

by Sylvia Plath

added 7 days ago

Empty, -
Unspoken desires,
Ungrasped fears of my yester year.
Just a faded snapshot of a memory,
Which fill me with uncertain thoughts and fear?
I wonder what will become of this hollow vessel,
Which incarcerates my soul.
Will it...

by Jessica Lynn Hepner

added 7 days ago

I wake up in the morning,
Feeling so alone and cold inside.
Nothing around me feels real anymore,
So deeper within myself, I hide.
I don't want the world to see me,

 I am ashamed of what they might see.
I am a pitiful sight, such...

by Jessica Lynn Hepner

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added 7 days ago
In The End

I feel like some kind of prisoner,
Locked up tight inside of here.
Sentenced to Life for a crime I did not commit,
And now that my time is now drawing near.

Some days I feel like I am going to lose it,
Probably because I am going stir crazy,...

by Jessica Lynn Hepner

added 3 years ago
This Prisoner

Hold tight to this prisoner,
And throw away the key.
Denied the very essence of existence,
Held unwilling, in captivity,
Shackled and chained,

 And bound inside this blinding pain.
The torture continues endlessly,
Until I too, begin to go...

by Jessica Lynn Hepner

added 3 years ago
Letting Go

I sat staring out the window, into the darkness,

 Searching for some understanding, some peace of mind.
Oh, how I long for the comfort I once felt, the feeling of belonging,

 And the tranquility in life that I now cannot find.
I feel empty...

by Jessica Lynn Hepner

added 3 years ago

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