ADP's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by ADP  —  There are currently 3 poems total — keep up the great work!

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My Thoughts

The world is, once again, increasingly falling into shambles.
Maybe now more than ever.
Trying to save it is a gamble.
I'm just one man, what can I do?
All I have is one voice.
I can tell you what I believe to be true.
When I speak, it sounds...

by ADP

added 2 years ago
Voice Of A Certain Nobody

The world is, once again, increasingly falling into shambles.
Maybe now more than ever.
Trying to save it is a gamble.
I'm just one man, what can I do?
All I have is one voice.
I can tell you what I believe to be true.
When I speak, it sounds...

by ADP

added 2 years ago
The Voice Of A Certain Nobody

The world is, once again, increasingly falling into shambles.
Maybe now more than ever.
Trying to save it is a gamble.
I'm just one man, what can I do?
All I have is one voice.
I can tell you what I believe to be true.
When I speak, it sounds...

by ADP

added 2 years ago

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Poet George McDonald wrote a two-word poem that reads _____ _____?
A See You!
B Good Bye.
C Come Home.
D Let's Go.