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I have always scribbled notes down about my thoughts, even in the dark hours of a morning, using a pen and pad beside the bed. Whether it was a line of code fixing a software program, or an appealing piece of lyrical verse for a new poem. My latest note for the start of a rhyme was "I smelt the smelts", after the wife complained about the smelts I was cooking, but no complaints from the dog. A poem about the smell of seafood cooking will follow later. Having a cynical attitude and a sense of irony, helps me navigate through a World we have made complicated through: Religions, societies, empires, democracies, dictatorships, organizations, companies, communities, schools of philosophies, and economic systems. Upon reflection I actually believe that writing a software program and writing a poem take on the same mental structure, I use the same methodology for each. Get an idea or be provided a specification, plan out the task, write the task, test (rewrite) the task until satisfied with the end result. As a semi-retired software developer and web-site designer, my verse compositions have been an enjoyable change of pace (no deadlines to face). My poetry verses are my poetic expressions of my observations of nature (which many people ignore), and their poetic nature convey my humour and empathy with my surroundings, from the sea, to the earth, to the cosmos, and all life-forms therein (including those in other worlds). My habitat is in Ontario, Canada (Lat. 43.4500° N, Lon. 80.4833° W). I will publish here examples of my endeavors in rhyming poetry writing, and I present these poems free of any great pretensions, especially in comparison to "my inspirational poets": Thomas Hardy, Alfred Lord Tennyson, James H. Knight-Adkin, Rupert Brooke, William Blake, Edward Lear, Dylan Thomas, and A. E. Housman. My poetry sometimes seems to exceed my expectations, but I then read the great poets for a reality check.
Submitted Poems 11 total
VanityVanity, we play your game, | 1 View added 6 months ago | Rating |
IrrationalAn irrational ex. | 1 View added 7 months ago | Rating |
DON'TDon’t | 6 Views added 7 months ago | Rating |
Bored TimeMaybe I'm not poetry in motion | 3 Views added 11 months ago | Rating |
Bar ChatterBar banter can be strange | 8 Views added 1 year ago | Rating |
... and 6 more »