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Editor's Choice Award winner For Outstanding Achievement in poetry presented by The international Library of Poetry 2004.

  June 2022     2 years ago

Submitted Poems 4 total

The Queen Of Our Hearts

You make us smile
when we're sad
You take our hands
when we're alone
You light up our world
when we're afraid
You say the sweetest words
when we're in tears
You are always there to care for us
You are always on our mind

by Naoufal Houjami

added 2 years ago
The Queen of my Life

You make me smile when i'm sad
You take my hand when i'm alone
You light up my world when i'm afraid
You say the sweetest words when i'm in tears
You are always there to care for me
You are always on my mind
These words are just to let you...

by Naoufal Houjami

added 2 years ago
The World Today

Looking at the world
Standing in dismay
Seeing all the pain and anguish
At which all we can do is pray

People make their differences
An issue in their mind
But leave out the one similarity
We're all in a race called humankind

War has...

by Naoufal Houjami

added 2 years ago
The World Today

Looking at the world
Standing in dismay
Seeing all the pain and anguish
At wish all we can do is pray

People make their differences
An issue in their mind
But leave out the one similarity
We're all in a race called humankind

War has...

by Naoufal Houjami

added 2 years ago

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Latest Comments: 1 total
This poem has a feeling of determination to make things of your dreams reality.

2 years ago


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Are you a poetry master?

Lewis Carroll wrote: "You are old father William, the young man said..."
A "and you seem to have lost your sight"
B "and your eyes have become less bright"
C "and your hair has become very white"
D "and you're going to die tonight"