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Single mother. General Practitioner. Crafter. Author. An ardent fan of poetry in all it's forms. Currently on my glow-up journey. Healing is beautiful.

  March 2023     28 days ago

Submitted Poems 5 total

The Illusion of Perfection

A mirror's gaze, a vacant stare,
A heart of ice, devoid of care.
A masquerade of love's sweet guise,
A soul consumed by selfish lies.
Admiration sought, a constant need,
A fragile ego, a desperate creed.
A master of manipulation's art,

by Annu Bharathi Nath

added 28 days ago
God's Best Creation

Broken and shattered into pieces,
she wondered if she could glue them back together.
She cried and prayed everyday,
" God, give me the strength and power to restore my joy & laughter".

She started to choose herself first,
and made choices...

by Annu

added 1 year ago
I Found My Purpose In My Pain

In the past,
I have been bullied and emotionally abused
and dealt with a lot of shame and regret.
My joys and grace were robbed.
My smile and emotions succumbed to fear, anxiety, and sadness.
My life became gloomy.
I was alone.
I was lost.

by Annu

added 1 year ago
Thank You

You came into my life, like a ray of light.
And made it so colourful & bright.

We talk about almost anything, without even trying.
You make me laugh so hard, that I have stopped crying.

We've only known each other for a year,
But you've...

by Annu

added 1 year ago
I Found Her

For the first time in my life,
I've found someone that accepts me for who I am, instead of trying to make me what they want me to be.
I've found someone who held my hands tight during the fierce storms of my life.
I've found someone who gave me...

by Annu

added 1 year ago

... see them all »

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I can resonate to this poem well.

1 year ago


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