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  October 2024     14 days ago

Submitted Poems 17 total

Birthdays Are For Others by russ mckay

At least once a year you have a Birthday
Not on a date you chose
And younger folks seem to like them
Unless you give them clothes

It's later on in life we realize
On so much that date depended
Yet it celebrates a life...

by Russ McKay

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added 1 month ago
A Rhyme Scene by russ mckay

I happened onto a grizzly scene

  Which I had never seen before
Parts of poems strewn o'er the desk
Many more upon the floor

It was a case of missing words
Poetry was unfinished and unused
Bits of Sonnets and Limericks

by russ mckay

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added 1 month ago
Nature by russ mckay

A Spring breeze
A tornado's fury
A flooding rain
A Rainbow's glory
The first snowflake
The deadly storm
The lightning strike
Then sunlight warm

We love nature's in-betweens
Gentle rivers or mild streams...

by Russ McKay

added 1 month ago
Moments In Time by russ mckay

The day before young birthdays
Or asleep on Christmas Eve
The night before an important test
The minute that you must leave

The hour before you're married
The final tear before a smile
One last minute of New Year's Eve

by Moments In Time by russ mckay

added 1 month ago
The Wildflower by russ mckay

There was once a wildflower with blooms all bright and yellow
Although it wasn't planted there... it was a happy fellow
The other flowers in the garden were tended with such care
But it seems that the gardener knew not... that it was even...

by Russ McKay

added 1 month ago

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