Conductor's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by conductor  —  There are currently 73 poems total — keep up the great work!

Illusions of the Mind

The Illusions of the Mind

I wander through the lonely night
With visions of a phantom light
That lures me to a dreadful fate
Beyond the reach of hope or hate

I hear the whispers of the dead
That fill my soul with doubt and dread
They mock...

by conductor

added 4 months ago
Life Of Addiction

A Life of Addiction

I started with a sip, a puff, a pill
Just to feel a little thrill
But soon I craved for more and more
And lost control of what I swore

I sold my soul, my health, my dreams
To chase the high that never seems
To fill the...

by conductor

added 4 months ago
Scotland my home

Scotland, My Home

Scotland, my home, where I was born and bred
Where the saltire flies high above my head
Where the bagpipes sound and the kilts are worn
Where the haggis tastes and the whisky warms

Scotland, my home, where the history runs...

by conductor

added 4 months ago
The Rival King

The Rival King

He was my brother once, in blood and name,
The son of Pharaoh, raised in royal grace;
He shared my throne, my glory, and my fame,
Until he turned his back on his own race.

He fled the land, and joined the Hebrew slaves,

by conductor

added 4 months ago
Torn Will

Two brothers, once so close and dear
Now torn apart by greed and fear
One claims he deserves the lion's share
The other says it's not his fault or fair

They fight and argue, day and night
They curse and slander, with no respite
They forget...

by conductor

added 4 months ago
Towering Symbol of New York

A towering symbol of New York's glory
A marvel of engineering and art
A testament to human ambition and skill
The Empire State Building stands apart

It rose from the ashes of the Great Depression
A beacon of hope in a time of despair
It took...

by conductor

added 4 months ago
We Speak of Things

We speak of things that none can see
But in the depths of fantasy
We weave our words with magic art
To touch the chords of every heart

We seek the truth that lies beyond
The veil of time and space and bond
We soar above the mortal sphere

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Waterfowls of the Bog

In the quiet of the bog, 'neath the twilight's gentle shroud,
Where the mist doth softly cloak the earth in a spectral cloud,
There, the waterfowl doth dwell, in nature's hush profound,
Their silhouettes 'gainst the dimming light, a sight that...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Ode to the Rose

Thou sweet and fragrant child of spring,
How fair thou art in every part!
Thy petals, like a fairy's wing,
Enfold the treasures of thy heart.

Thy breath, like incense, fills the air
With spicy odours, rich and rare;
Thy colours, like the...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Ma Baw -Bugs

Oh, gather 'round and lend your ears to me
To hear a savory tale of Ma Baw-Bugs
Whose culinary skills were such that she
Could craft the finest haggis and meat mugs

From Scotland's lands, where rugged hills abound
She'd blend the flavors,...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Realm of the written word

In the realm where imagination takes flight,
Under the canvas of the star-kissed night,
A tale unfolds, both old and new,
A dance of words, for me and you.

With rhythm and rhyme, we set the stage,
Each line a player, each verse a page.

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Fishing Wars

In the vast and endless sea
Two ships set out to gain their fee
Their crews prepared for battle bold
For the biggest catch, they both did hold

With rods and reels and bait so fine
They jockeyed for position, a fierce feline
For in this...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
The 7th Grade dream

Lockers slam, a metal roar,
Then quiet falls, books hit the floor.
No tests today, no homework sighs,
Just whispering leaves and butterfly skies.

Sunlight paints the desks with stripes,
As whispers bloom like dandelion pipes.
Chairs tilt...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
crown of gold and ruby lips

The sheets whisper cool against my worn-out skin,
Shadows dance on walls where laughter used to spin.
My eyes, grown misty, trace the fading light,
And summon forth a face, my guiding star so bright.

Her hair, a crown of gold, spun sunlight in...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Farewell My Love

Ink-stained fingers grip the page,
Tremble 'neath the shellfire's rage.
Dust and smoke obscure the sun,
Time is slipping, shadows run.

Crumpled trench, my resting place,
Death whispers 'cross my bloodied face.
Enemy eyes, like vipers cold,

by conductor

added 5 months ago
King of Burbon and Regret

Hark! Not to moonlit sonnets I incline,
Nor sweetened oaths of ladies fair and bright,
But to the alley's filth, the tavern's wine,
Where shadows dance in dim and flickering light.

No velvet cloaks nor polished wit I wear,
Just grimy...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
In Scotland's Rannoch Moor

In Scotland's Rannoch Moor, where nature thrives,
A diverse wildlife population comes alive.
Alongside heather and hills, creatures call it home,
In this untamed wilderness, they freely roam.

The moorland teems with life, both big and small,

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Beast of Neptune

In ocean's depths, where sunlight fades,
A beast of Neptune, whispers and wades.
No scales nor fins, no coral crown,
But fur like kelp, and eyes that drown.

Its roar, a wave that crashes ashore,
Its every step, the seabed's core.
With tusks...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
New Year

As the clock strikes twelve, we bid farewell,
To the passing year, its tales we tell.
With champagne's sparkle, we gather 'round,
To welcome the new, with joy profound.

In this realm of possibility's embrace,
Let resolutions bloom, with...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
The Clapper Rail

As dawn breaks, I stir from my nest,
Hidden in the marsh, a quiet rest.
I, the Clapper Rail, start my day,
In the wetlands, where I stay.

The morning tide brings a feast to me,
Crabs and mollusks from the sea.
With a quick dart of my beak,...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Christmas arrives, dispelling gloom.

In the city's belly, where glass giants loom,
Christmas arrives, dispelling gloom.
Lights flicker in hues of pine and wine,
In the grimiest metropolis, you'll ever find.

Santa's chariot, silent on the street,
Where aspirations are trampled...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
To a Spider

You are a spider, spinning your web
In the corner of my room, above my bed
You don't care about me, or what I do
You just do your thing, and I do mine too

You catch the flies, and I catch the words
We both feed on what we can, in this absurd...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Beneath the Ancient Oak tree

Beneath the ancient oak tree's shade,
Where wildflowers bloom and rivers wade,
A lover waits, in quiet glade,
For his dear lass, in sunlight bathed.

The lark sings high in blue skies,
Its song of love, pure and wise,
Echoes the lover's...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Coffee and Donuts

The aroma of coffee fills the air,
As the donuts sit on the table with care.
The steam rises from the cup,
As the donuts are ready to be picked up.

The coffee is hot, the donuts are sweet,
A perfect combination that can't be beat.

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Angel's vs Stars

Angels' vs Stars

The war is over, the battle is done,
The angel toppers have emerged victorious, they've won.
The stars put up a good fight, but it wasn't enough,
The angels have claimed the crown, it's time to strut their stuff.

The stars...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
The Man at the Bar

I walked in and pulled myself up to the bar,
The place was dingy and smelled like sour beer.
The people all had that same stare,
Inebriation wrinkles covered their faces.

"Give me a scotch on the rocks," I yelled to the bartender,
An old man...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Two Captains

The seven seas are rough and wild,
And war has come to make them riled,
Two captains strong, both with their goals,
One for his country, one for his flag, both with their roles.

The first captain stands tall and proud,
His ship a fortress,...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Lost Soul

I wander in the gloomy night,
And search for any ray of light;
But all I see is endless dark,
And all I hear is silence stark.

I do not know how long I've been
A prisoner of this dreadful scene;
I only know that I have sinned,
And that I...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Christmas love poem

You are the star that guides me in the night
The gift that fills my heart with delight
The fire that warms me in the cold
The joy that never grows old

You are the song that lifts me in the day
The light that shows me the way
The spice that...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
In the Dark of Night, long poem

In the dark of night, as slumber takes hold, I find myself in a strange place, so different and unknown—
A land filled with mystery, where shadows and secrets are tightly entwined,
A place where moonlit fields shimmer with an eerie glow, whispers...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
My Sunday Walk

My Sunday Walk
I walk
to the park
on a sunny day
the air is fresh
the sky is blue
the earth is green
I see
the hills and valleys
the clouds and rainbows
the flowers and trees
they are beautiful
they are alive
they are changing
I hear

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Days become Vigils

In twilight's grip, I stand alone,
My love, departing, toward battles unknown.
Fear lingers, as shadows encroach,
For he may never return, fate's harsh reproach.

Dreams hold his visage, etched in my mind,
His touch, bittersweet, a love...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
Freedom is a Dream

Freedom is a dream that we all share,
A hope that we hold, a vision that's rare.
We seek it out, we yearn for its light,
We fight for it fiercely, with all of our might.

But sometimes the journey is long and hard,
And we find ourselves lost,...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
My version of Christmas

'Twas the eve of Christmas, the air crisp and cold,
Not a creature was stirring, as the night took hold.
Stockings were hung, carefully with care,
In hopes that a special guest soon would be there.

With thoughts of sugarplums and bright...

by conductor

added 5 months ago
The Race

On the track, the engines roar, anticipation fills the air,
As racers line up side by side, ready for the dare.
The countdown starts, excitement spikes, hearts race in tune,
Adrenaline pulses through each vein, under the
smell of gas


by conductor

added 5 months ago
The Flower

She was the flower of my life,
The rose that bloomed in spring,
The lily that shone in the night,
The song that made me sing.
She was the joy of my heart,
The light of my soul,
The grace of my art,
The whole of my whole.
But fate, that cruel...

by conductor

added 5 months ago

In the cozy glow of Christmas lights,
Families gather on festive nights.
Laughter rings in the chilly air,
As folks exchange gifts with love to spare.

The tree adorned with ornaments bright,
Reflects the warmth of this special night.

by conductor

added 6 months ago
In the Chill of Winter's Breath

In the chill of winter's breath, they roam,
A homeless family, seeking a home.
Through icy streets, their weary feet tread,
Hope flickering, as darkness spreads.

With each passing day, their spirits wane,
As snowflakes fall, like tears in the...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
stay small my loves

In a world so big, where dangers may roam,
A dad stands, wishing his kids could stay at home.
He sees them growing, ready to explore,
But in his heart, he just wants something more.

"Stay little," he whispers in the quiet night,
Wrapped up...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
The Lord is Among us

What if I were to whisper
Of a miracle bestowed upon me?
A profound blessing, divine and pure,
Anointed by the Spirit of the Lord.

What if I were entrusted
With a message meant for the world?
A sacred truth, woven with love,
Meant to heal,...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
The Virtual realm

In the virtual realm where pixels softly gleam,
'Neath the glow of screens, where dreams find their theme.
A lone coder typing, lines of code unfold,
In the digital symphony where stories are told.

Each line, a silent algorithm in the cyber...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
To Autumn

To Autumn
O Autumn, thou art here with all thy charms
The mellow fruits, the golden leaves, the breeze
That softly whispers through the fields and farms
And fills the air with sweet and spicy scents.

Thy beauty is a feast for every sense

by conductor

added 6 months ago
ABCs and 123s

In a land of dreams where stories play,
Children laugh and sing in a sunlit day.
With teddy bears and dolls in tow,
They dance in gardens where rainbows grow.

Tiny footsteps, pitter-patter light,
Chasing butterflies, a pure delight.
In a...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
A Psalm of Blessings

In pastures green, His tender care bestowed,
The Lord, my shepherd, leads the chosen road.
Beside calm waters, restoration flows,
His presence comforts, and my spirit knows.

As morning light reveals a grace untold,
His steadfast love, a...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
I walk through the cemetery.

I walk through the cemetery where my dreams and heart have gone,
Among the silent gravestones, shadows linger on.
A somber journey, where echoes of love reside,
In the hallowed ground where dreams and hopes have died.

The air is heavy with the...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
coconut vendor

Beneath the cobalt heavens, myths unfurl,
An island's tale told, in the sun's warm swirl.
Amidst the palms, a verdant ballet,
A choreography of tasks, in the island's sway.

Fishing boats gently sway, tales left in their wake,
Nets entwined...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
In the silence

In the silence
At the threshold of your absence
You haunt me
With the same laughter
I had heard in a memory
Where I lived before you.

On every journey, you are my shadow.
On sidewalks, I see your echoes in the falling leaves.
When the day...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
Orchard's boughs

In the orchard's boughs, where autumn sighs,
Crimson leaves fall, like tearful goodbyes.
The sun, a golden orb in the hazy sky,
Nature's elegy, as summer waves goodbye.

A russet landscape, where the zephyrs play,
Whispers of the season, in a...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
Harbors and Inlets

Along the waterfront where the piano keys play,
A harbor of echoes, where notes gently sway.
Keys like ripples in a tranquil bay,
A melody of inlets, where echoes stay.

Frequencies murmur with the ebb and flow,
In the salty air, where...

by conductor

added 6 months ago
A furry friend

In a sunny patch where flowers bloom,
A little kitty, in fluffy costume.
Whiskers twirl and tail held high,
Underneath the vast blue sky.

Furry paws and a curious nose,
Through the garden, the kitty goes.
Chasing butterflies, dancing light,

by conductor

added 6 months ago

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Are you a poetry master?

Which female American poet, who was little-known during her lifetime, but had nearly 1800 of her poems published posthumously, rarely titled her poems?
A Sylvia Plath
B Sara Teasdale
C Amy Lowell
D Emily Dickinson