Analysis of Stinks

If what begins to smell a little sour.
To realize this odor is pungent.
With a rotteness that starts to scream,
Noticeably close too obvious to ignore.
There is no need,
For a multiple choice quiz to or pass.
Is my 'drift' getting near your nose?

If something begins to stink that bad.
To perhaps come from the one,
Who smells if first before others to ask.
For whatever the reason,
Announces the smell to come.
Denies what has happened.
With it to claim,
A knowing of nothing...
What had occurred?
In your opinion,

Fish stinking and messed up.'

'You picking up my drift?'

But more of it seems to be coming,
From those folks over there.
Diving into their own homemade cesspool.
To then dress impressively.
Without having the respect or courtesy to...

'Raunch is raunch.
But this filth embarrasses,
The obscene.'

'I knew you would catch my 'drift'.'

'How could I ignore what's overwhelming?'

'Many have to deny what it is to be!'

'This stink of funk has stunk to smell rotten,
For decades.'

Many still remain unconscious of it.
They have been made to believe,
Defending what is rotten is patriotic!

Scheme xxxxAxxbx xcxAcxxaxdxecx fx g xdxxfxx xex g d f cx bxxx
Poetic Form
Metre 11011101010 110110110 1011111 1 0 100011100101 1111 1010011111 11110111 110011111 1011101 1111011011 0 110010 0100111 1 011110 1111 010110 1101 1 01010 1 10 110011 110111 1 111111110 111101 100111111 1110100 011000111001 1 111 1110100 001 1111111 111011010 10110111111 1111111110 101 1 101011011 1111101 01011101010
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 1,140
Words 216
Sentences 36
Stanzas 11
Stanza Lengths 9, 14, 2, 1, 7, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4
Lines Amount 45
Letters per line (avg) 20
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 81
Words per stanza (avg) 19
Font size:

Submitted by lpahtillah on June 02, 2021

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:02 min read

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    "Stinks" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 28 Feb. 2025. <>.

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