Analysis of Journey through a woman's heart

Bright light sky
Under sunshine town
Wearing white dress
I entered in a ground
Full of life, love and joy,
I feel like I look like a little toy,
Beautiful eyes, red shiny cheeks,
All good things and everything fine,
I entered in a ground
But a ground of corpses,
Everyone lying and walking like Dead,
No heart found but only stern face,
Then a smile come to my way,
I stand still and ask for help,
They took me to another dark lane,
Nobody there but all empty vain,
That smile now turn into another dead face,
I can't bear that ruthless pain,
It's first sudden death and many to come,
I fall apart and dress turn mud,
It was the first time my body taken cut,
I don't know it how, I don't know it how,
I look all around only corpses found,
O mother, I beg for your mercy,
I can't take it, please let me shout,
No help found, no help found,
But I can't stop, so I run out,
Passing one to another land,

My dress was muddy but my heart still have proud,
But there was a hound waiting on the ground,
I feel better like one hope I found,
But innocence of mine, let me inside a gap
It was another corpse and his another trap
He lured me with love, he lured me with roses,
It all for nothing but yet another cut,
That he only want to suck my blood,
I cried, I taken, I broken apart,
But nobody was there to shut it out,
O mother, I beg you mercy,
Please let me shout,
Some broken pieces and anything left,
I gather them, and taken some rest,
But that restless ground,
Can't let me breath,
Here another beetle to sting at his please,
I can't run, I can't hide,
There was nothing left I lay down wide,
My legs was shaking,
My hands tearing apart,
Nobody can see that white dress again,
Again and again I given my life,
Yet there was some breath wanting to fight,
I step ahead but he look like a hard giant,
I step back, run, run and hide

Another place of darkness, I was about to die,
But this merciless ground can't let me hide,
Holding my hands bringing back to life,
Here another figure waiting at my side,
Sigh of relief from a helpless child,
But I don't know what's happening in that ride,
The man has the home and feed me wise
But there was nothing for my painful and choice,
I can't say a word, neither speak out loud,
O mother, I beg you mercy, it's enough
Please let me shout or die
I was a little girl, filled with some life,
One by one they taken me in slice,
Helpless I saw me die yet I can't cry,
O mother, I beg you mercy,
Please let me cry,
Please let me cry.

Scheme axxBccxxBdxexxffefxghxbijbjx kbblldhgmjIjxxbxxnnxmfoxxn anonxnxxkxaoxaIAA
Poetic Form
Metre 111 1011 1011 110001 111101 1111110101 10011101 1110101 110001 101110 101001011 11111011 1011111 1110111 111101011 1111101 11110101011 1111101 1110101011 11010111 11011110101 1111111111 1110110101 110111110 11111111 111111 11111111 10110101 11110111111 1110110101 111011111 110011110101 110101010101 11111111110 11110110101 111011111 1111011001 11111111 11011110 1111 110100101 110101011 11101 1111 10101011111 111111 111011111 11110 111001 11111101 0100111011 111111011 110111110110 1111101 0101110110111 1110011111 101110111 10101010111 110110101 11111100011 011010111 11110111001 1110110111 11011110101 111111 1101011111 111110101 1011111111 11011110 1111 1111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 2,396
Words 492
Sentences 1
Stanzas 3
Stanza Lengths 28, 26, 17
Lines Amount 71
Letters per line (avg) 26
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 626
Words per stanza (avg) 164

About this poem

This is written by my friend "Shashank Priyadarshi". After visiting an NGO where internet young girls fell prey to hideous crimes against women. I still get goosebumps after reading it 100th time. Thought of sharing it here.

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Written on July 31, 2021

Submitted by saumya.das on September 09, 2021

Modified on March 05, 2023

2:32 min read

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