Analysis of Accents

Sometimes I feel like a gypsy child
Sometimes I dream of my parents
Trying so hard
that blood wilts from their ears,
The line between towns is
A brick wall of my face
Covered in printed words
The corners darkening the closer they come into view
New names filter in with accents,
I cross the street and
Feel as if the sparrows
may be dying,
So slowly, like the leaves falling
In the time between
The summers,
In the time between
The winters.
I try so hard,
Embodying my weakness
when it flows to my shins,
to breaks I make in the trail,
Blood wilts from the toes that I never
 Blood wilts and never
has the chance to run clear

Scheme abcdefghijkllMnMncobpqrqs
Poetic Form
Metre 011110101 01111110 1011 111111 010111 011111 100101 01010001011011 11100110 11010 111010 1110 11010110 00101 010 00101 010 1111 0100110 111111 1111001 111011110 1 11010 101111
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 638
Words 137
Sentences 2
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 25
Lines Amount 25
Letters per line (avg) 20
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 498
Words per stanza (avg) 122
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Submitted by Rainerabinowitz on January 06, 2022

Modified on April 28, 2023

41 sec read

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    "Accents" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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