Analysis of Oak Bay Orderly

When in Oak Bay
You must obey
The rules that are not spoken

Grim look – Don't smile
Drawn face long mile
Your attitude betoken

Thus in bland land
Of wealth so grand
Disquietude revoking

But that's okay
When they pass away
A smile remains
No joking!

Poetic Form
Metre 1011 1101 0111110 1111 1111 1101 1011 1111 1010 111 11101 0101 110
Closest metre Iambic dimeter
Characters 253
Words 50
Sentences 1
Stanzas 4
Stanza Lengths 3, 3, 3, 4
Lines Amount 13
Letters per line (avg) 15
Words per line (avg) 4
Letters per stanza (avg) 50
Words per stanza (avg) 12

About this poem

From my book Victoria By Deceit of the Pants

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Written on January 01, 2011

Submitted by RickthePoetWarrior on January 16, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

15 sec read


 · 1954 · Saint John, NB

Rick was born in New Brunswick, Canada, the middle child of five siblings. He held a variety of interesting jobs: he was a Streaker before going to work for the Boy Scouts, and then got his degree in programming. He also worked in Egypt as a peacemaker for a year before heading back to Canada. “Half Irish, half Polish, I like forcing the round peg into the square hole, just to piss off my counsel.” "Rick’s professional background includes freelancing IT skills, running retail stores, and dabbling in website creation—all of which left him “spiritually exhausted,” and led him to create his poetic alter ego, RickthePoetWarrior, to give voice to his viewpoints and promote his politics in an entertaining manner. The poetry of RickthePoetWarrior makes frequent use of puns and creative wordplay, keeping the reader simultaneously hooked, amused, and eagerly anticipating the next unexpected turn of phrase." more…

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    "Oak Bay Orderly" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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    And miles to go before I _______
    A end
    B dream
    C rest
    D sleep