Analysis of conflict

I’m hurt when I see you
I’m hurt when you lie.
I’m hurt when you greet others
 but never fail to pass me by.
I’m hurt but your stares
And the annoyance in your voice.
I’m hurt by your glare;
The fact that I’m your second choice.
But I mostly hate your frown
And when I make you mad.
And I hate the tears in your eyes
When I make you sad.
I hate when we don’t talk;
When we haven’t met an end
But most of all, what I truly hate,
Is feeling that I’ve lost a friend.

Poetic Form
Metre 111111 11111 1111110 11011111 11111 00010011 11111 01111101 1110111 011111 01101011 11111 111111 111111 111111101 11011101
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 488
Words 108
Sentences 8
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 16
Lines Amount 16
Letters per line (avg) 22
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 344
Words per stanza (avg) 99
Font size:

Written on February 27, 2022

Submitted by kyky11clarke on February 27, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

32 sec read

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    "conflict" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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