Analysis of Orchards

I wrap my days in paper bags,
live out loud beneath blossoming trees.
Grass cradles my intentions;
fingers idling between blades of green
and quiet dandelions.
Find joy in the scent of nature,
ancient bones within the earth
giving birth to new horizons.

The boy calls out my name in memories,
encased in the whistle of winds through summer air.
We played hide and seek in apple orchards,
running until our lungs ached for atmosphere.
A stolen kiss between bites of peach,
juice clinging to the contours of our chins.
Frozen, breaths stilled,
skeleton buzzing with no place to go.

A subtle change,
shifting winds pick up dandelion seeds
and carry them to new destinations.
There is no death here.
Rebirth, cycle of life and back again to earth
as drops of rain patter on the leaves above.
Wetness sticks to my skin,
pooling in the hollow of my collarbone
as the taste of peaches linger on my lips.

Poetic Form
Metre 1 11110101 111011001 1101010 1010001111 010100 11001110 1010101 10111010 1 0111110100 010010111101 1110101010 10011011110 010101111 1101011101 1011 1001011111 1 0101 101111001 010111010 11111 011011010111 11111010101 101111 1000101110 10111010111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 910
Words 186
Sentences 14
Stanzas 3
Stanza Lengths 9, 9, 10
Lines Amount 28
Letters per line (avg) 26
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 241
Words per stanza (avg) 54

About this poem

Inspired by a poem about peach orchards

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Written on November 17, 2021

Submitted by BeautifulBlade.Poetry on April 03, 2022

Modified on March 27, 2023

55 sec read

Mariah Lichty

 · 1995 · North Dakota

Mariah Lichty is currently 27 years old. She has been writing since she was 12, and has found inspiration in many of life's hardships. more…

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    "Orchards" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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