Analysis of One Step From Grace

"One Step From Grace"
By Iron Donato

Dear God, at the start
I loved you, without, hesitation
So easy, for you to break, my foolish heart
To send me, to the streets, in lonely isolation

How I wondered why you torchered, me with pain
Why you nearly, drove me, drove me, to go insane
I bleed myself  in vain
How tragic, is this game

In the eyes of a saint, I'm a stranger
My plea for help, is never heard
Im trying, to find my way
Trying, not to stray

But it ain’t easy
It ain’t easy
It ain’t easy
To be

At the death, of every darkness
There’s enlightenment
There’s a fight
For me to do, what is right

Though I always try
I always try
To win the race
I’m just, one step, from grace

I made myself, believe
There was no, fight, left in me
But redemption, doesn't fall down, at my feet
In the half light, there was... no fight
They raised, a hand, to my defeat

And I watched the walls fall
I watched the walls fall
I watched the walls fall
And I rebuilt them all, piece by piece

How I wondered why, you torchered me, with pain
Why you nearly drove me, drove me, to go insane
I bleed myself, in vain
How tragic, is this game

In the eyes of a saint, I'm a stranger
My plea for help, is never heard
Im trying to find my way
Trying, not to stray

But it ain’t easy
It ain’t easy
It ain’t easy
To break free
It ain’t easy
To reach, my destiny
It ain’t easy, for me, to see

At the death, of every darkness, there's enlightenment
To continue, to fight
To do, what is right
To have, true, insight

Though I always try
I always try
To win the race
I’m just, one step from grace

I wonder why,  I gave up, on our love
When it's always, reachable above
But I believe I’ve suffered enough
Things are tough & very rough
But, you always tried
I just fell and cried

Yet, I’ll continue to win the race
For I’m just, one step from grace
I no longer will cry, for now I realize
I must open new doors, leap in and fly

To clearly see
What It is I must believe
You now want me, to achieve
To bravely, courageously explore
To win things with love, I’ve never won before

Oh Yes, I have fallen
But I’m no longer crawlin’
I now stay forever  strong,
And I somehow, will correct what’s wrong

For I know, oh I know, I know
Where my voice now belongs
My voice now, belongs in my songs
Yes, I’ll continue to finally win the race
For, I'm just one step from Grace
I’m just one step from Grace

Scheme ab cdcd EEeF GHII JJJjj xkll MMAA njolo pPPx EEeF GHII JJJjJjj klll MMAA qqrrss aaxm jnntt dduu bvvaaA
Poetic Form
Metre 1111 110010 11101 11101010 11011111101 111101010010 1110111111 111011111101 11101 110111 0011011010 11111101 1101111 10111 11110 1110 1110 11 1 101110010 10100 101 1111111 1111 111 1101 111111 11101 1111101 10101011111 00111111 11011101 011011 11011 11011 010111111 1110111111 111011111101 11101 110111 0011011010 11111101 1101111 10111 11110 1110 1110 111 1110 111100 11101111 10111001010100 101011 11111 1111 1111 111 1101 111111 11011111101 11110001 110111001 111101 1111 11101 110101101 1111111 11101111110 1110111001 1101 1111101 1111101 110010001 11111110101 111110 111101 1110101 01110101 11111111 111101 11101011 110101100101 1111111 111111
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 2,425
Words 500
Sentences 2
Stanzas 19
Stanza Lengths 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 7, 4, 4, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6
Lines Amount 84
Letters per line (avg) 21
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 94
Words per stanza (avg) 25

About this poem

When I was homeless I couldn't understand why God was turturing me. Why I was constantly being abuaed, Used, attacked. So this is the poem I wrote him

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Submitted by Iron4Humanity on July 28, 2022

Modified on March 05, 2023

2:32 min read

Iron Donato

 · 1956 · Connecticut

Heres’s a few facts, that you should know I was reborn here, on the streets of Skid Row I am a brave 33 year, long term AIDS survivor My doctor told me I’d never see the age of 34 I refused to buy Into that delusional lie I now creatively & compassionately thrive Fearlessly, soaring through new doors at 65 I’m an artist, singer, photographer, dancer, Poet, homeless advocate using my creativity Kindness, compassion, empathy for Humanity I have dedicated my life to help those in poverty more…

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