Analysis of The Words Of Error

Three errors there are, that forever are found
 On the lips of the good, on the lips of the best;
But empty their meaning and hollow their sound--
 And slight is the comfort they bring to the breast.
The fruits of existence escape from the clasp
Of the seeker who strives but those shadows to grasp--

So long as man dreams of some age in this life
 When the right and the good will all evil subdue;
For the right and the good lead us ever to strife,
 And wherever they lead us the fiend will pursue.
And (till from the earth borne, and stifled at length)
The earth that he touches still gifts him with strength!

So long as man fancies that fortune will live,
 Like a bride with her lover, united with worth;
For her favors, alas! to the mean she will give--
 And virtue possesses no title to earth!
That foreigner wanders to regions afar,
Where the lands of her birthright immortally are!

So long as man dreams that, to mortals a gift,
 The truth in her fulness of splendor will shine;
The veil of the goddess no earth-born may lift,
 And all we can learn is--to guess and divine!
Dost thou seek, in a dogma, to prison her form?
The spirit flies forth on the wings of the storm!

O, noble soul! fly from delusions like these,
 More heavenly belief be it thine to adore;
Where the ear never hearkens, the eye never sees,
 Meet the rivers of beauty and truth evermore!
Not without thee the streams--there the dull seek them;--No!
Look within thee--behold both the fount and the flow!

Poetic Form
Metre 11011101011 101101101101 11011001011 01101011101 01101001101 10101111111 11111111011 101001111001 101001111011 001011101101 01101101011 01111011111 11111011011 101101001011 101001101111 01001011011 11001011001 10110111 11111111001 0100111011 01101011111 01111111001 111001011001 01011101101 11011101011 110001111101 101101001101 10101100110 101101101111 101101101001
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 1,459
Words 277
Sentences 14
Stanzas 5
Stanza Lengths 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Lines Amount 30
Letters per line (avg) 38
Words per line (avg) 9
Letters per stanza (avg) 229
Words per stanza (avg) 55
Font size:

Submitted on May 13, 2011

Modified on March 05, 2023

1:23 min read

Friedrich Schiller

Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller was a German poet philosopher historian and playwright During the last seventeen years of his life Schiller struck up a productive if complicated friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang Goethe with whom he frequently discussed issues concerning aesthetics and encouraged Goethe to finish works he left merely as sketches this relationship and these discussions led to a period now referred to as Weimar Classicism They also worked together on Die Xenien The Xenies a collection of short but harshly satirical poems in which both Schiller and Goethe verbally attacked those persons they perceived to be enemies of their aesthetic agenda. more…

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