Analysis of ASH

A time would come, and then I have to burn; I have to burn you.

I will also burn with you. A part of me would die. It would die with you.

I will burn you, and I will have to make sure that I burn everything, I will make sure that you burn; I will even put more wood and oil time after time.

Just to be sure that you become ash.

I will have to burn; burn those eyes where I saw nothing but love,

I will have to burn those hands which taught me everything.

Those hands which held me every time, those hands which loved me always, Those hands which held me when I first walked, those hands were always there whenever I fell.

The softness and love I still feel, the love that I still live with. I have to burn those ears; those ears which listened to me patiently even when I made no sense.

You listened to me for years, and now I have to burn, you loved me before I was born, and now I have to burn you.

I have to burn your mind; that mind that made me strong and made me what I am today.

I have to burn your heart; the heart which was full and filled with love. The love that you always had for me, and it will always be there, but I have to burn the source.

I have to burn those feet, those feet which I touched, those feet that I always followed. Those feet who never said no to any journey or adventure, no matter how or where? But I have to burn.

I won’t hear your voice, I won’t hear you calling my name, I won’t be able to hug you anymore, but I will love you till my end.

I will burn you to ash and the reason is unknown. I have tried to find, but all in dismay.

Life surely becomes disappointing; a disappointing question.

A question unanswered. It is a philosophy which has no beginning and has no end.

You are my mother, and you will be my mother every time.

Scheme A A B X X X X X A C X X D C X D B
Poetic Form
Metre 011101111111111 111011101111111111 111101111111111011111111110111011101 111111011 111111111111011 111111111110 1111110011111111111111111101101011 01001111011111111111111110111001011111 1101111011111111011110111111 11111111111101111101 111111011110111011111110111111111101 111111111111111110111101111010101011011111111 1111111111011111101110111111111 11111100101011111111001 11001010001010 0101011001001110100111 1111001111101001
Characters 1,802
Words 394
Sentences 24
Stanzas 17
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 17
Letters per line (avg) 79
Words per line (avg) 21
Letters per stanza (avg) 79
Words per stanza (avg) 21

About this poem

Mother's Love

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Written on June 14, 2104

Submitted by sudarshan.johari on April 13, 2023

1:58 min read

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    "ASH" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 23 Feb. 2025. <>.

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