Analysis of Ape Man

He had come back

From high halls

Coaches and postures

A Lord, and not really

Thrilled at all.

Humans seemed to

Strive and argue so.

Clan sensation only

Applied to taking property.

And that, as much as possible.

Come back to the

And tall jungle trees.

Recalling his birth

Raising by the Apes.

A Mother of tenderness

Had suckled him.

Brothers of near age

Had toughened him.

Fighting for the lead.

Smiling while delivering

Hard blows of muscle.

Racing through upper

Alleyways of tree limbs.

Screaming at will

The rage and joy

Of the jungle.

Tarzan, courtier of Jane

Explorer of mysterious Kingdoms

Saviour of lost

And confounded safaris.

Friend of Beasts

To others horrifying.

Scheme X X X A X X X A A B A C X X X D X D X E B X X B X B X X X C X E
Poetic Form
Metre 1111 111 10010 010110 111 1011 10101 101010 01110100 01111100 1110 01101 01011 10101 0101100 111 10111 1101 10101 1010100 11110 10110 10111 1011 0101 1010 110011 0101010010 111 0010010 111 110100
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 762
Words 180
Sentences 15
Stanzas 32
Stanza Lengths 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Lines Amount 32
Letters per line (avg) 17
Words per line (avg) 4
Letters per stanza (avg) 17
Words per stanza (avg) 4
Font size:

Written on May 21, 2023

Submitted by dougb.19255 on May 21, 2023

Modified by dougb.19255 on May 21, 2023

54 sec read

Wayne Blair

 · 1951 · London

Born in London. Graduated law 1976 Practised eleven years, Married Hilary 1974 Two kids Lauren 1980 And Jordan 1987. Business failed 1987. Moved not knowing whither. Happy hills of Waterloo Region. Mennonite Country. Thirty four years in Industry. No complaints. Poet, photographer, nature hiker. Harmonica busker. more…

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