Analysis of Eternal Whiskers: A Feline's Legacy

In somber verse, I'll tell a tale,
Of life and death, a heartfelt wail.
A feline friend, now lost to time,
A cherished bond, sublime.

Simon was his name, a cat so fine,
With emerald eyes that seemed to shine.
He came to dwell with young Alex, true,
An 11-year-old lad, with heart so blue.

Their days entwined in playful bliss,
Chasing dreams in a world amiss.
Simon pounced on sunbeams' gleam,
While Alex laughed, a joyful stream.

Together they roamed, both wild and free,
A bond so pure, for all to see.
Through childhood's fields, they'd run and play,
With Simon leading the adventurous way.

But time, cruel and unrelenting,
Silently crept, without relenting.
Simon aged, his steps grew slow,
His spirit waning, a fading glow.

With each passing day, his breath grew frail,
And sorrow wrapped young Alex's tale.
He held dear Simon in tender embrace,
As tears fell, like rain on a sorrowful face.

The sun dipped low, the twilight sighed,
As Simon, now still, forever lied.
Alex wept, a river of pain,
For a friend lost, never to regain.

The world felt empty, devoid of light,
As darkness conquered the once bright.
But memories lingered, a comforting balm,
In the depths of Alex's grieving calm.

For Simon's essence would forever reside,
In a special place where love can't hide.
Though his mortal form may cease to be,
His spirit lives on eternally.

Now Alex, grown, with a heart made wise,
Carries Simon's spirit 'neath tearful skies.
In every feline's playful purr,
Simon's love, forever, will stir.

So let this elegy be a reminder, clear,
That life's fleeting moments, we must hold dear.
For in the embrace of love's sweet breath,
Death's sting is soothed, and conquered, by faith.

Poetic Form
Metre 01011101 1101011 0111111 010101 101110111 11011111 111111101 11111111 11010101 10100101 101111 11010101 010111101 01111111 1111101 11010001001 11100010 100101010 1011111 110100101 111011111 010111001 1111001001 11111101001 0111011 110110101 10101011 101110101 011100111 11010011 11001001001 0011100101 11010101001 001011111 111011111 110110100 110110111 1010101101 01001101 10101011 111100100101 1110101111 100011111 111101011
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,695
Words 345
Sentences 22
Stanzas 11
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 44
Letters per line (avg) 30
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 118
Words per stanza (avg) 27

About this poem

This poem is about my recently deceased cat Simon. He died about 2 months ago. I think writing a poem can help me cope with his side death.

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Written on June 04, 2023

Submitted on June 05, 2023

1:47 min read

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    "Eternal Whiskers: A Feline's Legacy" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 31 Oct. 2024. <>.

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