Analysis of Why did you have to go?

I wish that I could hug you one last time.
To call you and tell you all that is going on in life.

Wishing that you were near,
Hugging me and wiping away my tear.

You were such a wonderful dad,
We all miss and love you more than just a tad.

Now you are an angel in the sky,
Forever in our hearts and all our lives.

I may not understand or rightly know,
But every now and then will ask "Why did you have to go?"

Poetic Form Couplet 
Metre 1111111111 11101111110101 101101 1010100111 10101001 11101111101 111110001 010010101101 111011101 110010111111111
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 413
Words 102
Sentences 7
Stanzas 5
Stanza Lengths 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Lines Amount 10
Letters per line (avg) 31
Words per line (avg) 9
Letters per stanza (avg) 62
Words per stanza (avg) 18

About this poem

My father passed away the day before my birthday last year. I have been dealing with his passing since then. I decided to honor him with my writing and to help heal. I would also like to dedicate this poem piece to my step mom Tina Brondel. I know she is still dealing with my dad being gone, and I also know that it has been rough on her.

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Written on June 25, 2023

Submitted by ebrondel2013 on June 25, 2023

30 sec read

Emile' Thomas

Emile' Thomas is a small town aspiring writer whose writing comes from life and life's experiences. more…

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    "Why did you have to go?" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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