Analysis of Peaceful Mountain

Peaceful Mountain
At the foot of the mountain, vast and majestic,
wolves of history prowl, scouting
for human flesh.
Lava of history, we took it for granted
that history has lessons to teach,
not knowing it also has false entries
to where truth resides.
Where, how? Questions are endless
and, as usual, time is of essence.
At the foot of mountain, there's no
tourist guide, you're on your own,
lucky to be alive, when the stakes are so high
and the defiant history takes refuge behind
the tall sheet of rock that leads to the peak;
It is beautiful to hike there, scholars, explorers,
prophets, foot soldiers of ideology, heroes,
who proudly strike and mutilate in the name of
a grand cause. At your peak they will know how
to find someone to live for; the grandeur of peace.
Who dares to throw you to the valley of lepers.
Firm in your intoxicating art of survival, justice
and liberty thrive, bloom for life.
And when the stars of hope fade indignantly amid so many disasters,
there would be lightning and you're able to explode.

Poetic Form
Metre 1010 101101010010 11100110 1101 101100111110 110011011 1101101110 11101 1110110 0110011110 10111011 1011111 101101101111 0001010011001 0111111101 1110011110010 101101010010 11010100011 0111111111 11111100111 111111010110 10101001101010 01001111 0101111010001110010 111100110101
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,032
Words 197
Sentences 9
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 25
Lines Amount 25
Letters per line (avg) 32
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 812
Words per stanza (avg) 184

About this poem

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Written on January 02, 2022

Submitted by faraneh2 on December 26, 2023

1:00 min read

kaveh L. Afrasiabi

 · 1968

political science professor and author of more than 30 books, both scholarly and fiction including 7 poetry books, lives in Boston more…

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    "Peaceful Mountain" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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