Analysis of My Friend

You showed me light,
You showed me a way forward,
You gave me hope, you helped me grow
Into my own individual person.
When I first saw you, I had no idea
What a great impact your words, your thoughts would bring.
You may not be famous or a worldwide billionaire.
You are not always the centre of attention,
But I’m glad to know that someone across the town,
Is someone who makes me happy.

You make me laugh, make me smile,
You make me feel like I’m worthwhile.
Whenever I’m in doubt you help me to come around.
You’re always there when I need you the most.
You’ve seen me at my worst,
You’ve seen me at my best.
You give the best advice.

You have the kindest eyes,
And an even kinder smile.
You brighten up my day,
Never failing to make me smile.
To me you’re the sun,
Always brightening up my day.

You dried my tears and calmed me down.
You help me see the good in every situation.
You may think I’m just a friend,
Or a person you know,
But you inspire me to be
The best person that I can.
You’re there when I’m in doubt,
Or need a shoulder to lean on.

I may not be able to express my thoughts clearly,
But I think you’re the best,
So, thank you for being here,
And thanks for being my friend.

Poetic Form
Metre 1111 1110110 11111111 0111010010 11111111010 10101111111 111110101101 11110101010 11111110101 1111110 1111111 11111111 0101011111101 111111101 111111 111111 110101 110101 0110101 110111 10101111 11101 1100111 11110111 1111010100010 1111101 101011 1101111 0110111 111101 11010111 1111101011110 111101 1111101 0111011
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,228
Words 273
Sentences 18
Stanzas 5
Stanza Lengths 10, 7, 6, 8, 4
Lines Amount 35
Letters per line (avg) 26
Words per line (avg) 7
Letters per stanza (avg) 182
Words per stanza (avg) 48
Font size:

Written on May 14, 2022

Submitted on January 14, 2024

1:21 min read

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    "My Friend" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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