Analysis of End this game now

End this game now
Why do u always run back like a little girl
I poured my heart out
And that wasn’t enough
You swore you loved me
And yet that was part of your game
Every bit of my body
Was left ashamed
End this game now, I want revenge

This is no some sick play we can pull of at school
We are no longer kids
Please look what you do
Look where we stand now
Look back at all
End this game now, before it’s too late to move on

We were so long gone
Where are we, where did it go?
You come back to me
And of course like a little girl
Who’s still hoping
That you will love me again
I allow you to come
Come back again
End this game now or it’s safer to leave

Always and always I let you do this to me
Contact, no contact
When did that bother me?
Should we remain as strangers?
Or are we better off as friends?
Give me the answer or I end this horrible game

If this is how you want to play it
Let’s do this together
Why should you only get all the pleasure
From hurting my feelings so bad
Why was it so easy for me to take you back?
End this game now, I’m begging already

You and your little side plans
Could rock this world up
Oh how over this bullshit I am
Find some other girl to lie
This game had come to end…

You’re trying to end me but here’s my plan
I won’t let you do this to me ever
Not then, not right now
You know you messed up
Admitting is hard, you can’t lie
Move on and care for someone once
The game that you thought we were playing
Is over now….

Poetic Form
Metre 1111 11111110101 11111 01101 11111 01111111 10011110 1101 11111101 111111111111 111101 11111 11111 1111 111101111111 10111 1111111 11111 01110101 1110 1111101 101111 1101 1111111011 1011111111 111 111101 1101110 11110111 1101011111001 111111111 111010 1111011010 11011011 111110111111 1111110010 1011011 11111 11101111 1110111 111111 1101111111 1111111110 11111 11111 01011111 1101111 011111010 1101
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 1,514
Words 349
Sentences 6
Stanzas 7
Stanza Lengths 9, 6, 9, 6, 6, 5, 8
Lines Amount 49
Letters per line (avg) 23
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 160
Words per stanza (avg) 44

About this poem

It’s a poem about my first love who horribly treated me

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Written on February 19, 2024

Submitted by solovievayana42 on February 19, 2024

1:44 min read

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    "End this game now" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 11 Feb. 2025. <>.

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