Analysis of Hotel Simone

Time has aged the spirits so fast,
Events and tales lost in the past.
But just a quick look, by the by,
To catch emotions in your eyes.

When dusk has settled you can see
Lost in the walls, a memory.
Through years past now stands a hotel,
Once a manor where anger fell.

Belonging to the Lord Simone,
His wife and he were most renown.
Appearances though, it would seem,
Was nothing more than wishful dream.

Now let me tell of certain nights
Lost in shadows without a light,
When the guests are sailing in sleep
Beyond the building’s moans and creaks.

Coldness grows upon wooden floors,
Eerie chills blowing through closed doors,
Whispers cry but no one is there,
Tension in the thickening air.

The hotel rocks with windswept wails,
Shaking faces through cobweb veils
And somewhere in the darkened gloom,
See them there in the corner room…

Up the stairs and first on the right,
He beats her on the winter night.
If in silence at midnight stroke
Bleeding sounds of her strangled throat.

Such hatred burning in his hands,
Grips on tight and crushes her glands,
On cold nights her fate is the same
To suffer death over again.

As the visage waxes and wanes,
Fading away to spectral planes,
It leaves behind a feel that seers
To the sound of her echoed tears.

But listen now, if you will please,
And hear of the nights such as these,
In the stillness where air grows warm,
On the stairs the lovers are drawn.

Lanterns flicker against the wall,
Burning light with no oil at all,
Smells of roses wander the air,
Mixed with fragrances, rich and rare.

A tiring spell throughout is cast,
Lost in a dreaming air-light mask,
A soft mind so calm and serene
At the rendezvous, left unseen.

At the summit, the old staircase,
The lady waits in silk and lace.
Her husband sleeps, the house in rest,
She clutches flowers to her chest.

Her lover comes unto the tryst
He holds her close, they neck and kiss.
Souls are soothed in gentle sleep,
Feelings of love intense and deep.

They drift into the outside rear,
In darkened night they disappear,
The crickets chirp, the wolves they bay,
In the gardens they ease away.

Time has aged the spirits so fast,
Events and tales lost in the past.
But just a quick look, by the by,
To catch emotions in your eyes.

The Hotel Simone stands so old,
Breathing in nights both hot and cold.
Burn marks are etched on pallid walls,
Carving echoes down empty halls.

Many souls have wandered in death,
So much to tell without a breath,
Stories to cast interest upon
Reflects faces of lives still here, but gone.

Scheme AABC ddee xxff xghc iijj kkll ggxx mmxx nnxx ooxp qqjj axrr sstt xxhh uuvv AABC wwyy zzxp
Poetic Form
Metre 11101011 01011001 11011101 11010011 11110111 10010100 11111001 10101101 01010101 11010101 01001111 11011101 11111101 1010101 10111001 01010101 10101101 10110111 10111111 10001001 0011111 1010111 0100101 11100101 10101101 11010101 1010111 10110101 11010011 11101001 11101101 11011001 10101001 1001111 11010111 10110101 11011111 01101111 00101111 10101011 10100101 10111111 11101001 11100101 01010111 10010111 01111001 1010101 1010011 01010101 01010101 11010101 01011001 11011101 1110101 10110101 11010111 0101101 01010111 00101101 11101011 01011001 11011101 11010011 00101111 10011101 11111101 10101101 10111001 11110101 10111001 0110111111
Closest metre Iambic tetrameter
Characters 2,564
Words 551
Sentences 25
Stanzas 18
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 72
Letters per line (avg) 28
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 110
Words per stanza (avg) 26

About this poem

A story inspired by the writings of Edgar Allen Poe. Written during my years working the hotel graveyard shift. I hope I captured the horror essence yet. Some of the wording here may be a bit disturbing so I apologise in advance. I hope you enjoy.

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Written on October 01, 2008

Submitted by MikeBarrett on April 22, 2024

2:45 min read

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    "Hotel Simone" STANDS4 LLC, 2025. Web. 5 Feb. 2025. <>.

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